Accumulated Rotation of A Modified Suction Caisson and Soil Deformation Induced by Cyclic Loading

来源 :中国海洋工程(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hawking415
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Modified suction caissons (MSCs) acting as offshore wind turbine foundations will generate the accumulated rotation under cyclic loading resulted from waves.The accumulated rotation and the range of soil deformation around the MSC under long-term cyclic wave loading were studied using 3-D numerical simulations.The Morison equation was adopted to calculate the wave loadings.It was found that the MSC accumulated rotation increases linearly with the increase of the logarithm of cyclic number.The normalized expression was proposed to reflect the relationship between the accumulated rotation and cyclic number.The soil deformation range around the MSC increases when increasing the cyclic number and loading amplitude.It can also be concluded that the accumulated rotation increases rapidly with this change of excess pore pressure in the first 4000 cycles.The responses of the MSC to wave and wind loads were also investigated.Results show that the accumulated rotation of the MSC under both wave and wind loadings is larger than that under the wave loading only.
ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning)诞生已有十几年的时间,来到我国也已经推广了多年,实施的企业成千上万家,好多企业也跃跃欲试,想分享这一先进的系统给企业带来的利好之处。ERP是先进的管理思想与技术的结合,成功地实施ERP对企业的发展是有极大的促进作用的。然而,在实施的企业当中,高失败率是个不争的事实,我们不仅要思考:为什么这么一个先进的技术、大家都想上马的系统会有这么
In this paper,a method about the water-entry slamming of a two-dimensional (2D) bow structure has been proposed based on the experimental and simulation results
7月16日,“2013中国高等职业教育人才培养质量年度报告发布会”在京召开,高职毕业生求职优势明显。n  本次报告由全国高职高专校长联席会议委托上海市教科院和麦可思研究院组