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短篇小说《幽会》(The Tryst),用意识流的手法描绘了美国中产阶级中的一名已婚中年男子约翰与一个年青的美术学院女毕业生安之间的暖昧关系。故事以安在约翰的乡村别墅自杀未遂为结尾,反映了美国当代社会中人们精神生活的空虚。情节本身并无曲折之处,而表现手法却耐人寻味。故事自始至终都是以内省的方式体现的。所有的对话都不加引号,使人感到发生的一切都是作品人物的内心活动,是他们不出声的思索,又象是做梦,在恍惚之中作者退了场,把读者带到书中人物的思维活动中来,跟着他们一起想,随着他们进行各种活动,分享他们的忧愁与欢乐。这就是意识流所造成的特殊效果。在文字上有些句子故意写得稀稀拉拉,似乎不很连贯,表示内省的由此及彼,思维的时起时伏。译文在这方面尽量模仿原文,而不拘泥于汉语的正常句法和语序,以突出意识流的效果。 “意识流”一词初见于美国心理学家威廉·詹姆斯(William James)1884年写的《论内省心理学的原理》一文,意思是指人类思维活动的连续性,恰似一股斩不断的“流”。此后有些艺术家和文学家发现意识流的手法更有助于深入地揭示作品人物的内心世界,于是广泛地加以应用。法国小说家艾杜阿·杜夏丹,英国小说家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf,1882—1941)、美国小说家威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner,1897—1962)、爱尔兰作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce,1882—1941)等都在自己的作品中不同程度地使用了“意识流”,其中尤以乔伊斯因擅长写意识流小说而著称。自本世纪五十年代以后,这一手法在西方文学作品中更为常见,奥茨的《幽会》就是这种风格的作品之一。 The Tryst, a short story, uses a stream of consciousness to depict the warmth of a relationship between John, a married middle-aged man in the U.S. middle class, and Ann, a young graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts. The story ends with an attempted suicide in John’s country house, reflecting the void of spiritual life in American contemporary society. The plot itself has no twists and turns, but the performance is intriguing. The story is reflected introspectively throughout. All conversations are not enclosed in quotation marks, and everything that makes people feel is the innermost work of the characters. They are silent thoughts and dreams. In a trance, the author withdraws and takes the reader to the book People think in the activity, follow them together, as they carry out various activities to share their sorrow and joy. This is the special effect caused by the stream of consciousness. In the text some of the sentences deliberately sparsely written, it seems not very coherent, that introspection and therefore, the time of thinking from time to time. The translation tries its best to imitate the original text in this aspect, and does not rigidly adhere to the normal Chinese syntax and sequence to highlight the effect of stream of consciousness. The term “Stream of Consciousness” first appeared in the article “The Principles of Introspection in Psychology” written by the American psychologist William James in 1884, which means that the continuity of human thinking activities is just like cutting off The “flow.” Since then, some artists and writers find it more helpful to reveal the inner world of the characters in a more in-depth way. French novelist Edouard Dushadan, British novelist Virginia Woolf (1882-1941), American novelist William Faulkner (1897-1962), Irish author James Joe Joyce (James Joyce, 1882-1941) and so on, all use “stream of consciousness” to a certain extent in his works, especially Joyce is known for his good at writing stream of consciousness novels. Since the 1950s, this technique has become more common in Western literary works. Oates’s Tantra is one of the works of this style.
我长久地流落异乡, 积存了许多话要对你讲; 在这漫长的岁月里, 只有你一直把我挂在心上。 I have been living in a foreign land for so long that I have accumulated ma
<正> 本文所要评论的戴维·利文斯敦(David Livingstone 1813—1873年,以下简称利文斯敦)是非洲史上的一个重要人物,著名的英国旅行家、传教士。他在非洲活动达三十年之久,对中南非和东非广大地区进行过大规模的地理考察。国内外学者对他的评价褒贬不一,分歧很大。我依据史实,谈点看法,以就教于史学界。