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  房大师很谦虚,他说,纸伞的手艺,是集体智慧的结晶。上世纪50年代后期,随着市场上钢制骨架的晴雨两用伞的出现,代表着传统制伞工艺的“余杭纸伞”慢慢退出了历史舞台,手工制伞师傅们也纷纷改行换业。   家住瓶窑镇塘埠村的制伞师傅刘有泉、房金泉他们,在当时就萌生了把这种传统手艺留下来的念头,这几位手艺人不声不响地买回了100把竹伞骨架,藏在家里。因为制作一把传统的油纸伞,需要好几个工种几十道工序,另外也迫于生计,这100把伞骨架在几位老艺人的家里,一放就是30多年。
  Crafts and Folk Art Show on Cultural Heritage Day in Hangzhou
  By Xiao Jie
  On April 2012, Hangzhou was named UNESCO City of Crafts and Folk Art. The inscription means that Hangzhou is now a member of the Creative Cities Network, which connects cities who want to share experiences, ideas and best practices for cultural, social and economic growth. For artisans and folk artists in Hangzhou, the membership opens a door for new development and opportunities.
  June 8 through 10, 2012 saw the city hold celebrations on China’s seventh Cultural Heritage Day since 2006. It was only natural that the city’s artisans and folk artists celebrated the day by showing off their best. The gala took place at Zhejiang Natural Museum at West Lake Cultural Square near Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.
  The organizers had arranged for more than ten masters or their disciples to demonstrate the beauty of the city’s best-known and most valuable crafts and arts. Every demonstration spot was surrounded by crowds of adults and children.
  Hangzhou embroidery, a local art that is on the verge of extinction, was the major attraction at the celebration. Zhao Yijun is the city’s last master of the art. On display on the spot was a masterpiece he embroidered. The 1.8-meter-tall and 1.6-meter-wide double-sided embroidery shows 532 figures on the front side and 7,721 characters of a Buddhist scripture on the reverse side. The Hangzhou-styled art started about 2,000 years ago and climaxed in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) when the city was home to the royal house. In the last years of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and the early years of the Republic of China (1911-1949), Hangzhou had about 20 embroidery workshops with 200 embroidery artists in total. Most of these embroidery artists were men, as the industry followed the rule strictly: only males and daughter-in-laws were supposed to learn from masters. This was one of the distinctive characteristics of the embroidery art.   Zhao Yijun, born in 1946, started learning embroidery at the age of 13. In 1960, he was enrolled into the first embroidery course at a craft and art school in Hangzhou. Of the 30 some classmates, 6 were male. Upon graduation, he entered Hangzhou Institute for Crafts and Arts as a specialist of embroidery. He retired in 1999. He has never stopped making embroidery. Nowadays, he spends more than 10 hours per day doing the embroidery. Embroidering is a painfully slow process. Since 1999, he has completed only three pieces and they are all about Buddhism. Zhao explains that the techniques and colored silk threads used in the embroidery are best for making dragon robes for emperors and Peking Opera costumes and that Buddhism-related subjects are therefore next best for the art.
  Of the six male students at the city’s first public embroidery education course, he is the only one that has taken the embroidery as his lifetime career. The rest have defected from embroidery to other jobs over years. Zhao thinks it is understandable. It is extremely difficult to master the art and carry it on as a career, largely because it requires talent, total dedication, input of time and resources, but it produces little economic return. It usually takes years to create a piece. He has been expecting someone young and willing to learn the art. He does not care if a future disciple would have to be a male.
  The 68-year-old Fang Jinquan was another eye-catching master at the demonstration fair. Fang is a master of oiled paper umbrella, which used to be a household piece in the past. He is a resident of Yuhang, now a district of growing city of Hangzhou. For years, Fang made oiled paper umbrellas for a living. In the late 1950s, the oiled-paper bamboo-rib umbrella was gradually replaced by the umbrella that used steel ribs. Fang Jinquan and his colleague Liu Youquan thought it worthwhile to retain the craft. They bought 30 bamboo skeletons for oiled paper umbrellas and stored them at home. In 2007, Liu Youquan was about to retire. Liu Youquan and his four former colleagues decided to make the traditional umbrella again. The umbrella takes more than 70 steps to make. One umbrella can sell no more than 200 yuan on the domestic market. The comeback proved to be difficult.
  In 2010, they sold only 20 to an order for 2010 Shanghai Expo. They worked for a month to produce all the 20. At the end of the month, they calculated costs and there was a loss. They were unhappy about the numbers, but they decided to carry on.
  In 2011, the umbrella attracted attention at Design Week in Milan, Italy. One umbrella sells for 100 Euro. Orders come their way. The masters believe the future export prospect might attract some young people to learn the craft and carry it on.
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