A Brief Study on the Communicative Language Teaching Used in Vocational College English class

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  【Abstract】The Communicative Approach is an approach to foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes that the goal of language learning is communicative competence. This paper presents an analytical study of the communicative Language teaching at many levels.
  【Key words】Communication communicative Language Teaching vocational college
  I. Introduction:The concept of communicative language teaching is originally created by Dwell Hymes,who states that the ability of communication does not only include the understanding and mastery of the language, but also include the ways of using the language to communicate in on various occasions. However, the usage of the communicative language teaching used in vocational college is very complicated which involves many elements such as language, society, culture and psychology, etc.
  II. The features of the communicative language teaching
  1. The teacher designs a large amount of classroom activities based on the theory of students centered actually. For example, the teacher divides a story into three parts and the whole class into three groups. Each group read one part of the story, and they discuss the story, and they exchange their information. The students have the needs to output, so they are very interested in the study. The ability of language communication consists of the language knowledge and using language.
  2. Before class, the teacher have designed various real communication situations in the classroom which linking classroom language learning with language activation outside the classroom. The most obvious characteristics of the communicative language teaching are that almost everything that is done with a communicative intent.
  3. The approach aims at evaluating students’language knowledge, as well as their basic communicative competence in dealing with foreign contacts. It indicates that the practical parts, such as listening, practical writing are gaining their position in examination paper, so the role of communicative language teaching in helping learning is increasingly important.
  III. The usage of the communicative language teaching in vocational college
  1. Three minutes’free talk before class“Free talk”is a very practical way in oral English language learning. During the practice, the students have the chance to choose the topics which they are interested in. They can prepare the topic in advance. The topics can be involved in the daily life of the students, the courses study, the class activity, the events all over the world, etc.   2. Creating language communication situations in the classroom English teaching is not only about the language points, but also about the training of students using language in real language communication situations, and tries to lighten their desiring to express their ideas correctly.
  3. Play games in classroom The teacher makes some role-play games in classroom. Each student has his own part in the game. They have their own lines when acting in front of the classroom. This can improve the students’ability of language communication
  4. In my college English teaching class,I give students some topics close to their life or something they can use daily, they show great interests and become more likely to learn and practice automatically and try to use English after class without being told.
  IV. The results of the communicative language teaching in vocational college
  1. Making good use of the materials of reading reference book, the video tapes, the pictures, the internet,movies and TV program, etc. The students are involved in the communication situations, and communicate in English under such atmosphere, which is the essence of teaching.
  2. The teaching method has the advantages of developing students’ interests and arousing their initiative. It also strengthens practical reflections and promotes students’ ability of expression in English, which can shorten the psychological distance between the teacher and the students.
  V. Conclusion In a word, the requirements and the final goal of English teaching try to train the communicative ability of the students. The communicative language teaching methodology is a very efficient way used in vocational college. It will play more and more important role in improving the students’ English ability wholly. It is a good teaching method to improve the students’ ability of listening and speaking.
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目的探讨在预防全身麻醉腹部手术后减轻由于被动体位引起的腰肌酸痛的方法。方法 80例患者随机分成2组,实验组患者全身麻醉腹部手术后采用早期半卧位或斜坡位。对照组患者按
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1 病例资料女,28岁.因急性扁桃体炎就诊,我院门诊给予琥乙红霉素(利君沙)0.5 g每日3次口服.服药2次后,出现全身不适及药疹,伴畏寒、发热,再次来诊.既往无过敏史.查体:全身皮