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苏联医学科学院院士、苏联格鲁吉亚共和国科学院生理研究所所长 Khananashvili 教授应中国科学院上海生理研究所的邀请,于1987年6月13至18日访问上海,参观了上海生理研究所、上海生物化学研究所、上海细胞研究所、上海医科大学、上海中医学院和龙华医院针灸科等单位。在上海访问期间,他作了两次学术报告。应上海生理研究所的邀请,作了题为:“正常及病理状态下动物行为自我调节”的报告;应上海市生理科学会的邀请,作了题为:“苏联高级神经活动及神经科学现状”的报告。他着重介绍了他本人领导的实验室以及该研究所近年来的工作。经过多年的工作,在巴甫洛夫的实验性神经官能症学说的基础上,他提出了高级神经活动信息病理学说(The theory of informational pathology of higher nervousactivity)。这一学说认为,有三个信息因素(The informational triad of factors),即信息量、时间因素以及动机水平(motivational level),在决定引起高级神经活动病理状态中起着重要作用。如果脑长期处于由这三个因素所造成的不良环境中,便会发生高级神经活动紊乱以及其它功能系统的病理变化。例如,当决 Prof. Khananashvili, Director of the Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Republic of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union visited the Shanghai Institute of Physiology and the Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry at the invitation of Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences from June 13 to June 18, 1987. , Shanghai Cell Research Institute, Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Longhua Hospital acupuncture and other units. During his visit to Shanghai, he made two academic reports. At the invitation of the Shanghai Institute of Physiology, a report entitled “Self-regulation of animal behavior under normal and pathological conditions” was made; at the invitation of Shanghai Society of Physiological Sciences, an article entitled “Current Status of Advanced Neurological Activities and Neuroscience in the Soviet Union ”Report. He focused on his own laboratory and the Institute’s work in recent years. After years of work, based on Pavlov’s experimental theory of neurosis, he proposed The theory of informational pathology of higher nervousactivity. The theory holds that there are three informational triad of factors, namely, the amount of information, the time factor, and the motivational level, which play an important role in determining the pathological state that causes advanced neuronal activity. If the brain is left in the unpleasant environment caused by these three factors for a long time, the disturbance of advanced neurological activities and the pathological changes of other functional systems will occur. For example, decide