
来源 :干部人事月报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gengjie_1986
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1988年以来,辽宁省许多地方和部门着眼于建设高素质的机关干部队伍,在运用竞争上岗的方式做好机关中层干部选拔任用和职位轮换等方面进行了积极探索。1993年《国家公务员暂行条例》颁布以后,进一步加大了竞争上岗工作的力度,取得明显成效,得到了中组部和人事部的充分肯定。到目前,已有70多个省直单位和9个市的政府机关实行了中层干部上岗,一些单位还把这种方式延伸到中层以下干部,实行了全员竞争上岗。实践证明,机关中层干部实行竞争上岗,是适应建立社会主义市场经济体制和发展社会主义民主政治的需要,创新选人用人机制,增强机关干部队伍活力的一个成功探索。近日,辽宁省委、省政府明确提出,要以机构改革为契机,积极稳妥地推行竞争上岗,努力建设高素质的机关干部队伍。各级党委(党组)和组织人事部门一定要站在全省的高度,充分认识在党政机关推行中层干部竞争上岗的重要意义,切实把思想统一到中央部署和省委的要求上来。 Since 1988, many localities and departments in Liaoning Province have been focusing on the construction of high-quality cadres of organs and agencies and have actively explored the selection and appointment of middle-level cadres and the rotation of their posts through the use of competitive posts. After the promulgation of the Provisional Regulations on State Civil Servants in 1993, the work of competing for posts has been further intensified and marked results have been achieved. This has been fully affirmed by the Central Organization Department and the Ministry of Personnel. Up to now, more than 70 provincial-level units and government agencies in 9 municipalities have started the induction of middle-level cadres. Some units have also extended this approach to cadres below the middle-level and have implemented full-scale competition for posts. Practice has proved that the mid-level cadres in the organs of the implementation of the competition for posts, is to adapt to the establishment of the socialist market economic system and the development of socialist democratic politics, innovation and selection of employment mechanism, and enhance the vitality of cadres team a successful exploration. Recently, Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government explicitly proposed that institutional reform should be taken as a turning point to actively and steadily promote competition for posts and strive to build a high-quality cadre of organs and personnel. Party committees (party groups) and personnel departments at all levels must stand at the provincial level, fully understand the importance of promoting the mid-level cadres’ competition for posts in party and government organs, and unify their thinking with the requirements of the central authorities and the provincial government.
Variable temperature and pressure adsorption tests were conducted on four coal samples with different coal ranks, under simulated temperatures and pressures cor