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双重身份,一般指一个人兼有的两种身份、地位。有趣的是,作为语言交际工具的汉字也有双重身份。天地的“天”和功劳的“功”既是中国汉字,又是日本汉字,具有两个国籍,这就是双重身份。“瞭”用于瞭望时读liào,是规范字;用于瞭解时读liǎo,是繁体字,应简作“了”,这也是双重身份。本文着重阐述的是后者,即汉字规范化(整理异体字、简化汉字)所形成的双重身份。有的字过去具有双重身份,后来身份改变了。如“像”“叠”“覆”在原《简化字总表》中既是规范字,又是“象”“迭”“复”的繁体字。1986年修订《简化字总表》时作了调整,不再作繁体字。现在,除了《简化字总表》中一对二、一对三的简化字以外,具有双重身份的汉字计37个。这些字大致可以分为以下五类: Dual identity, generally refers to a person both identity and status. Interestingly, Chinese as a language communicator also have dual identities. The “heaven” of heaven and earth and the “power” of credit are both Chinese characters and Japanese characters. They have two nationalities. This is a double identity. “Used” when used to read liào, is the standard word; used to understand when reading liǎo, is a traditional Chinese character, should be simplified as “a”, which is also a double identity. This article emphatically expounds the latter, that is, the dual identities formed by the standardization of Chinese characters (collation of variant characters and simplification of Chinese characters). Some words used to have dual identities and later their identities changed. Such as “like” “stack” “cover” in the original “simplified table” in both the canonical word, but also “elephant” “Diego” “complex” traditional Chinese characters. When the 1986 Revision of the Summary Form of Simplified Words was made, it was no longer in traditional characters. Now, with the exception of one-on-one, one-on-three simplification in the Simplified Word Table, there are 37 Chinese characters with dual identities. These words can be roughly divided into the following five categories:
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【正】 南开大学于1992年7月21日举办了全国高校第四期实验语音学研习班。来自全国25个省市个高等学校和科研单位的32名学员参加了学习。研习班由南开大学中文系语言学博士石
(一) 情节安排: 姓“真”——必有力; 姓“假”——必短命。角色表演: 与生活为伴:青春长在, 与生活分离:生命枯竭。 (二) 离开光源越远的影子越昏淡,离开生活土壤越远的影