
来源 :文艺研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nixiangtama
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本文认为中国美学的现代性的基本命题既不是单纯的认识论,也不是本体论,而是由美学所折射的实存问题:中国人是否能通过审美方式获得有价值的生存或精神拯救?由此引出中国美学现代性的两条理路:一者以审美形式求取族群、阶级、国家之生存发展,重建文化精神的同一性。美学被赋予远超过其本来学术身份的意义。另一条理路则以审美为个体精神的解放或解脱。由于中国近百年来的社会政治文化的特殊性,以及重建现代国家和社会组织的历史任务,致使前一条美学理路大张其道,后一条美学理路则蛰伏潜延。论文评述了王国维、朱光潜、蔡仪、李泽厚的美学探索,揭示了在他们各自的理论中现代性问题的折射。 This paper argues that the basic proposition of the modernity of Chinese aesthetics is neither pure epistemology nor ontology, but rather the question of the real existence refracted by aesthetics: can Chinese acquire valuable survival or spiritual salvation through aesthetic means? This leads to two lines of reason for the modernity of Chinese aesthetics: one is to seek the existence and development of ethnic groups, classes and countries in an aesthetic form, and reconstruct the identity of cultural spirits. Aesthetics is much more than its original academic status. The other principle is to liberate or liberate the aesthetic spirit of the individual. Due to the peculiarities of China’s political, social culture over the past century and the historic task of rebuilding the modern state and social organizations, the former aesthetic philosophy has greatly expanded and the latter aesthetic philosophy has been dormant. The dissertation reviews the aesthetic exploration of Wang Guowei, Zhu Guangqian, Cai Yi and Li Zehou, and reveals the refraction of the problems of modernity in their respective theories.
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