借鉴欧洲经验 建设具有竞争力的自主风电产业——关于欧洲风电产业有关情况的调研报告

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我国的风力发电等新能源产业近来发展迅速,但由于没有经过长期技术积累、以引进国外技术为主,使得进一步发展仍存在着一定的技术瓶颈。欧洲是全球风能产业的领先者,为此调研考察了德国、丹麦两国在促进风能等新能源产业发展方面的措施,特别是在新能源产业的创新机制、人才培养以及公共服务体系建设等方面的经验,并从建立有竞争力的自主新能源产业的角度出发,提出我国应加强国家级新能源研究机构的建设,带动人才队伍的建设以及创新能力的提高,并应进一步提高公共服务平台建设及产品认证体系等产业服务能力。 The new energy industry such as wind power in our country has been developing rapidly recently. However, due to the lack of long-term technological accumulation, the introduction of foreign technologies has led to some technical bottlenecks for further development. Europe is a leader in the global wind energy industry. To this end, the study investigated the measures taken by Germany and Denmark in promoting the development of new energy industries such as wind energy, especially in the innovation mechanism of new energy industry, personnel training and public service system construction From the point of view of establishing a competitive independent new energy industry, it is proposed that our country should strengthen the construction of national new energy research institutes, drive the construction of qualified personnel and enhance the innovation ability, and should further improve the construction of public service platform And product certification system and other industrial service capabilities.
为了揭示分流器位置及形状对进气粒子分离器(IPS)性能的影响,采用Realizable k-ε湍流模型对IPS进行了数值模拟,得到了分流器沿轴向移动及径向移动对IPS流场、分离效率、总压
总周转量 同比增长旅客运输量 同比增长货邮运输量 同比增长 万人吨万吨公里本年累计当月16773220.6876.829.321088919.115267130.97901.1-0.51945270
Previous wind tunnel experiments on snow drift usually used artificial snow as a substitute of natural snow, which can not fully reflect the motion characterist