重组产权 抓大放小——原深圳市金海实业总公司下属企业产权转让的启示

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去年,江泽民总书记在视察东北、上海等地时曾反复指出,搞好国有企业的关键,是要集中力量抓好国有大中型企业。对于小型国有企业,可以通过包、租、卖等形式,尽量放开搞活。人们把这个指导思想形象地概括为“抓大放小”。我们现有的国有企业,有大到固定资产数十亿、上百亿元,职工数万人的“巨无霸”,也有许多小到固定资产数万元,八九个职工的游兵散勇,如果都去抓,势必力量分散,结果都抓不好,所以必须进行产权结构调整,抓大放小。在放活国有小企业的包、租、卖形式中,出售小企业回收资金最快,后遗症最少,解决问题最彻底,应当成为首选方案。但在国家实行宏观经济调控、资金趋紧的经济环境下,谁来收购这些众多的国有小企业呢?在去年开始的原深圳市金海实业总公司下属一系列企业产权转让工作中,我们初步找到了答案。 Last year, when General Secretary Jiang Zemin inspected Northeast China and Shanghai, he repeatedly pointed out that the key to doing a good job in state-owned enterprises is to concentrate efforts on grasping state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises. For small state-owned enterprises, they can try to relax their livelihood through packages, rents, and sales. People have summed up this guiding ideology as “grasping the big and letting go.” Our existing state-owned enterprises have large-scale, multi-billion-dollar, multi-billion-dollar employees and tens of thousands of employees. There are also many small tens of thousands of yuan in fixed assets. Eighty-nine employees’ soldiers are scattered. Yong, if they are all arrested, they will inevitably be decentralized and their results will be poorly handled. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the structure of property rights so that they can make the most of them. In the forms of baggage, renting and selling of small state-owned enterprises, the sale of small companies is the quickest to recover, and the aftereffect is the least. The solution to the problem is the most thorough and should be the preferred solution. However, under the economic environment in which the country implements macroeconomic control and tight funding, who will acquire these numerous state-owned small enterprises? In the work of transferring a series of corporate property rights under the former Shenzhen Jinhai Industrial General Company that started last year, we have initially found The answer.
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