西宁市、各自治州人民政府,海东行署,省政府各委、办、厅、局: 为了使政府奖励基金主要用于奖励对全省经济建设和社会发展做出突出贡献的单位和个人,充分发挥奖励基金的激励作用。省财政厅对原《省政府奖励基金管理办法》进行了修改和补充,已经省政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真遵照执行。
Xining Municipal People’s Government, Haidong Administrative Office and Provincial Government Committees, Offices, Offices and Bureaus: In order to make the government rewards fund mainly used to reward units and individuals that made outstanding contributions to the province’s economic construction and social development, Play incentives incentive fund role. The Provincial Department of Finance revised and supplemented the original Measures for the Administration of Reward Funds of Provincial Government, which has been issued to you with the consent of the provincial government. Please carefully follow the implementation.