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1998年5月23日上午9时30分,几辆白底绿纹的中巴车,沿着长江北岸大堤,在蒙蒙细雨中徐徐驶入鱼米之乡巢湖地区。中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理朱镕基在中共安徽省委书记卢荣景、省长回良玉等人的陪同下,从芜湖来巢湖地区考察粮食工作。朱镕基总理到粮站,进粮库,看米厂,召开座谈会,还派身边工作人员到个体米厂、农户微服私访。他那快节 At 9:30 on May 23, 1998, a few white-backed green bus buses drove along the embankment on the north bank of the Yangtze River and slowly drifted into the Chaohu area where fish and rice were found in the drizzle. Zhu Rongji, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, visited the Chaohu region from Wuhu for food inspection work with Lu Rongjing, secretary of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee and Hui Liangyu, governor of the CPC. Premier Zhu Rongji went to the grain station, entered the grain depot, looked at the rice factory, held a symposium, and sent staff members to individual rice factories. His fast festival
Advanced oxide metallurgy technique was adopted to produce 100-kg Y-bearing 12Cr ferritic/martensitic steel via vacuum induction melting and casting route. Subs
规定乡镇和县直部门的党政一把手,要及时记录自己每日所从事的各项工作,每月对记录的内容进行总结回顾,写出不少于 Provisions of the township and county departments of
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