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呈现在读者面前的两帧照片是京剧大师梅兰芳的身影:其一为身着制服,在话筒前致词;另一在极其简陋的舞台上演出京剧《贵妃醉酒》。这两帧照片均属罕见,也许未曾面世过。照片的收藏者是年近八旬的蒋孝忠医师。他毕业于上医,四十年代初期供职于重庆中央医院,1942年6月曾为周恩来同志治过病,亲聆过周氏的教导。建国后转入南京解放军医院工作,近年已从第一线退下来,担任南京军区总医院专家室组长,为培养青年接班人而贡献余热。抗美援朝运动开始后,为了支援前线,国内组成赴朝医疗大队,于1951年开赴东北,蒋孝忠医师义无反顾地奔赴第一线,当时医疗队设在吉林市东大营(原张作霖在奉天的军营),蒋任手术队队长,一年中光是大手术就做了上千次之多,他的精湛手术挽回了无数志愿军官兵的生命。1951年初,中国人民保卫世界和平反对美国侵略委员会发出号召,组成赴朝慰问团,携带慰劳品和慰问信,代表五亿中国人民于1951年5月赴朝慰问。赴朝慰问团总团团长为廖承志,副团长为陈沂和田汉。各大行政区组成分团, The two frames presented before the reader are the masters of Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang: one is wearing a uniform, making a speech in front of the microphone; the other is performing the Peking Opera “Drunken Beauty” on the extremely shabby stage. Both of these photos are rare and may not have been seen before. The photo collector is nearly eighty years of Dr. Jiang Xiaozhong. He graduated from medical treatment and worked in the Chongqing Central Hospital in the early 1940s. He died of illness in June 1942 in Comrade Zhou Enlai and personally taught Zhou’s teachings. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, she was transferred to the PLA hospital in Nanjing and has been withdrawn from the front line in recent years. She has been the head of the expert room of the General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region, contributing to the training of young successors. After the war with the United States and the DPRK began, in order to support the frontline, the country formed a medical unit for the DPRK in the DPRK. In 1951, he went to the northeast. The medical team went to the front line without any hesitation. At that time, the medical team was located in Dongdanying, Jilin City (originally Zhang Zuolin’s military camp in Fengtian) Chiang captain surgery team, one year alone is a major surgery to do thousands of times, his exquisite surgery to restore the lives of countless volunteer soldiers. In early 1951, the Chinese people defended world peace and opposed the U.S. aggression committee. They called for a diplomatic mission to the DPRK, carried a letter of comfort and sympathy and represented 500 million Chinese people in their condolences in May 1951. The head of the general delegation to the DPRK delegation was Liao Chengzhi and the deputy heads were Chen Yi and Tian Han. The major administrative regions form a group,
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