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自1953年至1956年6月底,我厅转给省级各部门和各专署、县(市、区)人民委员会处理并请回复结果的人民来信来访,至今尚有268件没有回复结果。计:1953年5件,1954年24件,1955年141件,1956年1至6月底98件。其中属于控告国家机关人员官僚主义、贪污腐化、违法乱纪的101件,检举匪特反革命分子的75件,对国家机关工作提出批评建议的23件,民刑讼诉纠纷27件,要求工作学习的19件,要求优抚救济的13件,国家机关人员申诉不服处理的3件,询问政策的2件,创造发明的2件,其它3件。对这些问题,我们催办一次的111件,二次的73件,三次的29件,四次的15件,五次的4件,六次的6件,七次以上的9件,未催办的22件。(详见附表1㈠)注㈠ 1953年至1956年6月底未回报人民来信来访统计表略。 From 1953 to the end of June 1956, our department handed over letters to the people’s committees at the provincial level and various agencies, county (city and district) people’s committees and asked for the reply. There are still 268 unsuccessful responses so far. Total: 5 in 1953, 24 in 1954, 141 in 1955 and 98 in January-June 1956. Among them, 101 were accused of bureaucracy of state organs, embezzling corruption and infringers, 75 were prosecuted for counterrevolutionary elements, 23 were for criticism of the work done by state organs, 27 were for criminal prosecutions and were required to work and study Of the 19 cases, requiring special care for the relief of 13 cases, state organs complained of dissatisfaction with the handling of three cases, asked about the policy 2, to create the invention of 2, the other three. For these issues, we urgently ordered 111 pieces, 73 pieces twice, 29 pieces three times, 15 pieces four times, four pieces five times, six pieces six times, and nine pieces seven times or more, 22 pieces. (For details, please refer to Attached Table 1 (i)) Notes: (1) Statistical tables of visits from people not replied from 1953 to the end of June 1956
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5月3日晴  我又一次坐到窗前,窗外葱绿的梧桐叶,绿莹莹的草地,不时还有一群自由的小鸟嬉笑着飞过。回望过去,曾经有那么一块玻璃,牢牢地禁锢着我的心灵,让我无法释怀自己,融身于外面美丽动人的风景……  年幼时,我性格孤僻,只爱躲在教室最后靠窗的一角。朋友们不愿和一个声若蚊蝇的伙伴玩耍,几乎只会嗫嚅着说话的我,也让昕有老师都懒得提问。  六年级时,来了一个新班主任。她教语文。“新中国哪天成立的?靠窗口