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杨霞女士:你好!来信收到。你说你是一个医务工作者,常常碰到一些做法“人道”还是“不人道”的问题,但对究竟什么是人道主义,人道主义理论包括哪些内容并不是很了解。这样,遇到有些情况不知怎么做才是对的。如,按规定:不交费,就不能做手术、住院,可有些突发性的危重患者,不及时抢救,就有生命危险。而他们一时又没有足够的钱;再如,绝症患者,活着痛苦不堪,他们苦苦哀求,要你让他们安乐死,可我们又无“安乐死”的立法等等。因此,你希望对人道主义的基本理论有一个比较全面、系统、准确的了解。你的这种想法自然是很好的。但人道主义是人类几千年的追求和理想积淀,不是一封信、用几句话就能说清楚的。这里只能先对人道主义理论作一个概括性 Ms. Yang Xia: Hello! I received the letter. You say that you are a medical worker and often encounter some problems of “humane” or “inhumane” practices, but you are not very sure about what humanitarian and humanitarian theories include. In this way, in some cases I do not know how to do is right. For example, according to the regulations: do not pay, you can not do surgery, hospitalization, some sudden critically ill patients, do not rescue in time, there is life-threatening. And they do not have enough money for a short time. For another, those who are terminally ill and live in pain are suffering from pleading for you to let them be euthanized, but we do not have “euthanasia” legislation and so on. Therefore, you hope to have a more comprehensive, systematic and accurate understanding of the basic theory of humanitarianism. Your idea of ​​this nature is very good. However, humanitarianism is the pursuit and ideal accumulation of humankind for thousands of years. It is not a letter that can be clearly stated in a few words. Here we can only make a general summary of humanitarian theory
Leptomeningeal metastasis (LM) is caused by the spread of malignant tumor cells into the subarachnoid space.However,classification and staging of LM in the spin