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紫茎泽兰是我国危害最严重的外侵植物,具有动物、植物和微生物毒性,研究紫茎泽兰野外就地堆肥技术,评估腐熟效果,可为有效防除与资源化利用提供科学依据。在野外自然条件下,通过接种恶臭假单胞菌(Pseudomonas putita sp.)和热解纤维梭菌(Clostridium thermocellumsp.),同时添加尿素和硫酸钙以及覆盖农用薄膜研究紫茎泽兰生物堆肥效果,并评价紫茎泽兰发酵产物生物毒性。接种菌剂后,堆肥高温期(50.0℃~64.5℃)持续时间达22d,石油醚提取物从3.15g/kg降低至0.37g/kg,80d可充分腐熟紫茎泽兰。腐熟物料的pH、有机质、养分和重金属含量符合NY/525-2011国家标准,腐殖酸含量为8.42%。动物毒性试验表明,浸提液对小鼠体重增长无显著影响,心、肝、肾、肺等组织器官未见病理变化。用生物堆肥浸提液浸种,促进小麦种子发芽率指数、活力指数和苗高,分别比无离子水浸种提高了8.65%、28.79%和23.69%;在添加紫茎泽兰生物堆肥的土壤中,微生物碳氮和脱氢酶活性比不施肥和单施化肥显著提高。生物堆肥可野外就地腐熟紫茎泽兰,降解有毒物质,提供有机肥源,实现紫茎泽兰的经济、有效防除与资源化利用。 Eupatorium adenophorum is the most damaging alien species in China, with animal, plant and microbial toxicity. Studying on-the-spot composting technology in Eupatorium adenophorum field to evaluate its decomposing effect can provide a scientific basis for effective control and resource utilization. In natural conditions in the wild, Eupatorium adenophorum bio-composting effects were studied by inoculation of Pseudomonas putita sp. And Clostridium thermocellumsp., With the addition of urea and calcium sulphate and coverage of agricultural films. And evaluate the biological toxicity of Eupatorium adenophorum fermentation product. After inoculation, the duration of composting at high temperature (50.0 ℃ ~ 64.5 ℃) reached 22d, the petroleum ether extract decreased from 3.15g / kg to 0.37g / kg, and Eupatorium adenophorum was well decomposed after 80d. The content of pH, organic matter, nutrients and heavy metals in the decomposed materials conforms to the NY / 525-2011 national standard, and the humic acid content is 8.42%. Animal toxicity test showed that the extract had no significant effect on body weight gain in mice, and there were no pathological changes in tissues and organs such as heart, liver, kidney and lung. Soaking seeds with bio-compost leaching solution promoted the germination rate index, vitality index and seedling height of wheat seeds increased by 8.65%, 28.79% and 23.69% respectively compared with that of non-ionic water soaking seeds. In addition, The activities of microbial carbon and nitrogen and dehydrogenase were significantly increased compared with no fertilization and single application of chemical fertilizers. Bio-compost can be used to wildly edetate Eupatorium adenophorum in the wild to degrade toxic substances and provide organic fertilizers for the economical and effective control and utilization of Eupatorium adenophorum.
EMC抗扰度测试仪 UCS500M/2和UCS500M/4干扰发生器可根据IEC 1000-4-2、-4、-5、-8、-9和-11抗扰度规范进行全兼容性测试。仪器使用内置耦合和解耦网络,集静电放电、脉冲串
介绍了国产PVDF复合膜及新型外置浸没式膜组件在焦化废水深度处理中的应用。 PVDF复合膜在确保通量的前提下,避免了物理损伤带来的断丝、出水悬浮物超标等问题。新型膜组件具