Influence of crystallite structure of nanometer TiO_2 catalysts on photocatalyst reaction

来源 :Science in China(Series B,Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mars22
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25 samples of nanometer TiO2 were prepared through modifying the preparation conditions including the concentrations of Ti(SO4)2 and NH4HCO3, the pH value at the end of precipitation operation, and sintering temperature and time by methods of orthogonal design. The relationships between their catalytic activities of photocatalytic degradation of sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS) and the normal crystallite size, lattice-strain and X-ray diffraction intensity of 10 crystal faces were analyzed. It was discovered that the photocatalytic degradation reaction of SDBS follows first-order kinetics. Crystal faces of catalysts’ (101) have greater influence than other crystal faces on the reaction. The photocatalytic reaction needs more perfect (101) crystal faces with less lattice-strain. Smaller normal crystallite size and greater specific surface area of (101) crystal face are better for increasing reaction rate. The photocatalytic reaction is mainly proceeded on the (101) crystal face, comparatively, amor 25 samples of nanometer TiO2 were prepared through modifying the preparation conditions including the concentrations of Ti (SO4) 2 and NH4HCO3, the pH value at the end of precipitation operation, and sintering temperature and time by methods of orthogonal design. The relationships between their catalytic activities of photocatalytic degradation of sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS) and the normal crystallite size, lattice-strain and X-ray diffraction intensity of 10 crystal faces were analyzed. It was discovered that the photocatalytic degradation reaction of SDBS follows first-order kinetics. Crystal faces of catalysts’ (101) have greater influence than other crystal faces on the reaction. The photocatalytic reaction needs more perfect (101) crystal faces with less lattice-strain. Smaller normal crystallite size and greater specific surface area of ​​(101) crystal face are better for increasing reaction rate. The photocatalytic reaction is mainly proceeded on the (101) crystal face, comparatively, amor
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