
来源 :北京规划建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanjiawen841002
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京城三月,木青蕊绿,春意融融。如约来到北京建筑大学,走进业祖润教授工作室,目光所及,到处陈列着“前门大街”等各项工程设计的效果图和获奖奖牌。作品如人品,没有过多的设计痕迹,没有浮夸的装饰,沉着智慧,朴实无华,刚柔相济,简练而不失质感。正与中国民居大师业祖润大气端庄、知性优雅、温婉博学的女性风度相呼应。也许所有的建筑师都必须奋力拼搏,而常年疾病缠身,身患癌症、眶部骨瘤等的业祖润付出的艰辛比常人要高出很多。她简单而专注,数十年如一 Capital in March, wood green core green, spring melt. Such as about came to Beijing University of Construction, into Professor Kusadake studio, eyes, display everywhere “Qianmen Street ” and other engineering design renderings and award medals. Works such as character, there is no excessive design traces, no exaggerated decoration, calm wisdom, unpretentious, hardness and softness, concise but without losing the texture. Is with the Chinese residential master Zu-run dignified atmosphere, intellectual and elegant, gentle and eloquent female style echoes. Perhaps all architects must work very hard, and the year-old disease-ridden, suffering from cancer, orbital osteoma, etc. Aoyu Run hard to pay much higher than ordinary people. She is simple and focused, decades as a
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