Goals for a Global Economy

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanyewyew
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The annual work conference on China’s economy was convened in Beijing in mid-December 2016. The outcomes are important for two reasons: the huge unpredictability in the current global political and economic situation, and the preparations being made for the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in late 2017.On the overall assessment of where China now stands, the economic front is deemed as being OK. The annual work conference on China’s economy was convened in Beijing in mid-December 2016. The results are important for two reasons: the huge unpredictability in the current global political and economic situation, and the preparations for made for the 19th National Congress of the Communist. Party of China (CPC) in late 2017.On the overall assessment of where China now stands, the economic front is deemed as being being OK.
自 1994年 8月至 1995年 4月 ,我们对 5例腹内型高位隐睾症患儿 ,应用显微外科技术进行了自体睾丸移植 ,取得满意效果。现报告如下。临床资料一、一般资料 本组 5例 ,年龄 2
A retired rear admiral turns the tables on online detractors to become the“chief”of millennial When Zhang Zhaozhong took the stage in Hefei Theater in east Ch
【摘要】目前,我国人民法院尚不支持被害人针对犯罪行为所提出的精神损害赔偿请求。但在刑事领域适用精神损害赔偿对顺应人权保障潮流、维护法律体系统一、贯彻我国刑罚目的方面均有重要意义。笔者在论证其可行性的基础上,提出若干浅见,以期对该领域研究起到推动作用。  【关键词】精神损害赔偿;刑事领域;民事诉讼;补偿  一、精神损害赔偿制度在我国刑事领域的适用现状  精神损害赔偿是指权利主体人身权益受到不法侵害时
In this age of extreme body alteration,the history of bound-feet women serves as an invaluable warning When Wei Caibao was 10, she was forced to undergo terribl
【摘要】今年3月24日,第十一次全国人民代表大会第五次会议审议通过了刑诉法修正案,将于明年1月1日实施。新刑诉法在诉讼理念、模式、制度等方面进行了较大调整,对检察机关产生了较大的影响。此文立足于基层检察工作实际,就新刑诉法修改的主要内容进行分析研究,并试图提出应对建议,以期能起到抛砖引玉的作用。  【关键词】新刑诉法;挑战;应对举措  新刑诉法已于今年3月14日通过,将于明年1月1日起正式施行。这
Chen Tianqiao, a billionaire and founder of the Shanda Group, a global investment firm, together with his wife, Chrissy Luo, donated $115 million in December 2016 to the California Institute of Techno