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近代文献象一面多棱镜,从各个角度反映了我国近代政治、经济、文化科学发展的基本面貌。它们蕴藏着大量史料,是学习和研究我国近代史的重要参考资料,向为图书馆和学术界所重视。上海图书馆收藏的近代文献出版物共有140余万件,是我馆藏书体系中颇具特色的部分。其中有1850年以来出版的中外文报纸3500余种,1852年以来出版中文杂志18700余册,1900年以来出版的旧图书11万种30多万册。还收藏了一批数量可观的特种资料:如地图、年画、历史图片、名人档案资料等。藏书中不乏难得之本,如有近代上海四大报纸 Modern literature resembles polygons on one side, which reflects the basic features of the political, economic and cultural developments in modern China from all angles. They contain a large amount of historical materials, which are important reference materials for studying and studying the modern history of our country and attaching importance to the libraries and academic circles. The collection of modern literature and publications in the Shanghai Library totaled more than 1.4 million pieces, which is a distinctive part of our library collection system. Among them, there are more than 3500 Chinese and foreign newspapers and magazines published since 1850, more than 18,700 Chinese-language magazines published since 1852, and more than 300,000 old books and more than 300,000 books published since 1900. Also collected a number of considerable special information: such as maps, pictures, historical pictures, celebrity archives and so on. There are many rare books in the collection, as in the modern Shanghai four newspapers