
来源 :中国果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LIC3352
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1.调查是在济南山东农学院实习农场果园中的粘壤土上,以建立大型根系生长动态观察窖为基础,进一步进行的。采用山定子(M.baccata)、平邑甜茶(M.hupehensis)和嫁接在林檎(M.micromalus)砧上的国光、祝及青香蕉苹果幼树为试材;栽植前(建立根系观察窖时)树穴进行深翻(未施肥),其容积为1.8×1.8×1.8立方米;1957—1958两年观察过根系生长动态,1958年冬用全根挖掘和分层挖掘等方法研究了根系的生长特性,并统计了各类根的数量;与此同时,挖掘了同一果园内用普通方式(树穴深50厘米,直径60厘米)栽植的同一品种同龄树,作为深翻树穴处理的对照。 2.深翻树穴后三年生幼树根系深达2米以上,垂直根深与树高的比值,由对照株的0.5增加到1.15,超过1.3倍。 3.以根的长度统计,深翻树穴者各种根系的绝对量(161,913厘米)比对照(94,295.7厘米)增加6,761.3厘米,即超过0.72倍。 4.对照株根系(尤其是直径<0.2厘米的须根)集中(73.1%)分布在10—40厘米的土层内,100厘米以下几无分布;深翻树穴后,根系均匀分布在0—180厘米的土层中,100厘米以下仍有26%以上的根。 5.树穴深翻后表层根与底层根生态性状间的差异近于消失;骨干根的尖削现象减小;分根级数变少,但须根密度加大。 6.树穴深翻后深层根量增加,不同土层中根系依季节变化的交替生长,使整个根系在全年中,甚至地上部冬季休眠期都进行活动。 7.树穴深翻植株地上部生长总量超过对照株1.8倍;同时春梢长而秋梢短,界限不明,或秋梢全无;发枝力和萌芽力亦大大提高。 8.深翻熟化改善了土壤的物理、化学、生物和肥力状况,从而显著地促进了根系生长,并指出这种措施是有利于增强幼树抗旱力和越冬力,提前结果和高额丰产的主要环节。 1. The survey was conducted on the clay loam soil in the internship farm orchard in Jinan Shandong Agricultural College to further develop the dynamic observation cellar for large root growth. Using M.baccata, M.hupehensis and Guoguang grafted on M.micromalus antelopes, we wish the young green banana apple trees as test material; before planting (when establishing root observation cellar ) Trees were deep-plowing (without fertilization) with a volume of 1.8 × 1.8 × 1.8m 3. The growth of root system was observed in 1957-1958 for two years and in the winter of 1958 by means of root excavated and stratified excavated. Growth characteristics, and statistics of the number of various types of roots; at the same time, excavation of the same orchard with the usual way (tree depth of 50 cm, diameter 60 cm) the same age trees planted as a control . After deep plowing, the root system of three-year-old young tree was more than 2 meters deep, and the ratio of vertical root depth to tree height increased from 0.5 to 1.15 times of that of the control, more than 1.3 times. 3. According to the root length statistics, the absolute amount of various roots (161,913 cm) of deep-plowing ankles increased by 6,761.3 cm, or more than 0.72 times, than the control (94,295.7 cm). The roots of the control plants (especially the fibrous roots with a diameter of <0.2 cm) were concentrated (73.1%) distributed in the soil layers of 10-40 cm with no distribution below 100 cm. After deep plowing, the roots were evenly distributed in 0- In the 180 cm soil layer, more than 26% of the roots are still below 100 cm. The difference of ecological characters between surface root and bottom root disappeared after deep-rooted tree-shoveling. The tapering phenomenon of the root of the trunk reduced, the number of rooting decreased, but the density of fibrous root increased. Root depth of tree roots increased after deep rooting, root growth in different soil layers according to seasonal changes, so that the entire root system throughout the year, and even the upper part of the winter dormancy period activities. 7. Depth of plant growth of deep shoots above the total growth of the control plant 1.8 times; at the same time spring long and short autumn tip, the boundary is unknown, or no autumn tip; hair strength and germination also greatly increased. Deep-maturing improves soil’s physical, chemical, biological and fertility conditions, which significantly contributes to root growth, pointing out that this measure is conducive to enhancing young plants’ drought-resistance and winter power, early results and high yield The main part.
很多画家是琉特琴的爱好者,这不难想象,敏感的艺术家灵魂和琉特琴的精神是如此相同,乔尔乔内就常常在漫长乏味的空虚时刻弹拨起琉特琴,声音移动的形态就如同他挥洒在画布上的笔触。  巴洛克时期标志性的建筑、绘画等已经为人熟知,但重要的乐器琉特琴(Lute,也被称为鲁特琴)许多人却知之甚少。今年4月,琉特琴大师克丽斯蒂娜·佩卢尔与法国琶音古乐团原定于在北京的一场演奏未能如期与中国音乐爱好者见面。这是一件憾事
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