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本文分析了近年来曾经火爆的古装历史题材影片在市场上遇冷这一现象背后的创作思路和观众心理之间的关系,寻找到了这一现象后,在创作层面不符合商业电影创作的诸多因素,并对如何在创作层面挖掘出这一题材的商业可看性提出了个人的粗浅见解。 This article analyzes the relationship between the creative thinking and the audience psychology behind the phenomenon of once popular costume historical film in the market in recent years. After finding this phenomenon, it does not accord with many factors of commercial film creation , And put forward a personal and superficial opinion on how to mine the commercial viewability of this subject at the creative level.
本文描述了AVO偏移/反演的方法并显示了其第一次野外应用的结果。 3-D AVO偏移/反演可应用于横向速度变化且存在倾斜层位的地区,常规AVO对这样的地区不能奏效。该方法已在1-
在南非世界杯的10个赛场中的9个采用了EV音响系统,这是一项具有突破性意义的纪录。同时在德国,数十万球迷通过体育馆和市中心的巨大转播屏 Nine of the ten venues in the W
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Previously developed Asn-Gly-Arg(NGR) peptide-modified multifunctional poly(ethyleneimine)–poly(ethylene glycol)(PEI–PEG)-based nanoparticles(TPIC) have been
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A great amount of black rock series has been found in the Upper Sinian Members 2 and 4 of the Jinjiadong Formation, middle-upper Liuchapo Formation and the Low