Effect of height of rock specimen on strain localization, precursor to failure and entire deformatio

来源 :Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zgrgyj1985
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Patterns of shear band,precursors to shear failure occurring instrain-softening stage,axial,lateral and volumetric strains as well as Poisson’s ratio ofplane strain rock specimens in compression for different heights were investigated byuse of Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua(FLAC).A material imperfection closer tothe lower-left comer of the specimen was prescribed.For finer mesh,the imperfectionwas modeled by four null elements,while it was modeled by a null element for coarsermesh.FISH functions were written to calculate the entire deformational characteristics ofthe specimen.In elastic stage,the adopted constitutive relation was linear elastic;instrain-softening stage,a composite Mohr-Coulomb criterion with tension cut-off and apost-peak linear constitutive relation were adopted.Height of rock specimen does not in-fluence shear band’s pattern(including the thickness and inclination angle of shearband).The slopes of the post-peak stress-axial strain curve,stress-lateral strain curve,lateral strain-axial strain curve,Poisson’s ratio-axial strain curve and volumetricstrain-axial strain curve depend on the height.Hence,the slopes of these curves cannotbe considered as material properties.Nonlinear deformation prior to the peak stress is akind of precursors to shear failure,which is less apparent for shorter specimen.For thesame axial strain,lower lateral expansion is reached for shorter specimen,leading tolower Poisson’s ratio and higher volumetric strain.The maximum volumetric strain oflonger specimen is less than that of shorter specimen.The conclusions drawn from nu-merical results using finer mesh qualitatively agree with those using coarser mesh. Patterns of shear band, precursors to shear failure occurring instrain-softening stage, axial, lateral and volumetric strains as well as Poisson’s ratio ofplane strain rock specimens in compression for different heights were investigated byuse of Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (FLAC) .A material imperfection closer tothe lower-left comer of the specimen was prescribed. For finer mesh, the imperfection was modeled by four null elements, while it was modeled by a null element for coarsermesh. FISH functions were written to calculate the entire deformational characteristics of the specimen.In. elastic stage, the adopted constitutive relation was linear elastic; instrain-softening stage, a composite Mohr-Coulomb criterion with tension cut-off and apost-peak linear constitutive relation were applied. Height of rock specimen does not in-fluence shear band’s pattern ( including the thickness and inclination angle of shearband). The slopes of the post-peak stress-axial strain curve, stress-lateral strain cu rve, lateral strain-axial strain curve, Poisson’s ratio-axial strain curve and volumetricstrain-axial strain curve depend on the height .ence, the slopes of these curves cannotbe considered as material properties. Nonlinear deformation prior to the peak stress is akind of precursors to shear failure, which is less apparent for shorter specimen. For the same axial strain, lower lateral expansion is reached for shorter specimen, leading tolower Poisson’s ratio and higher volumetric strain. the maximum volumetric strain of longer specimen is less than that of shorter specimen. achievements drawn from nu-merical results using finer mesh qualitatively agree with those using coarser mesh.
本文研究用邻苯二酚紫——溴化十六烷基三甲胺(CTMAB)分光光度法测定生物样品中微量锡,该法与以前方法比较,快速,灵敏,选择性高,准确,适用于大批样品分析。 In this paper,
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