加速科技发展 促进沈阳振兴

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中共中央、国务院关于加速科技进步的决定和全国科技大会精神,是一项重大的战略举措,对于加快我国的经济发展和社会进步将产生深远的影响,对于沈阳老工业基地的振兴,更具有特殊的意义。建国40多年来,沈阳通过装备供给、人才输出和财政上缴,为全国的现代化建设做出了积极贡献。据统计,从1949年到1994年,全市累计向国家上缴的利税达480多亿元,是国家同期对沈阳投资的6倍,占同期沈阳实现利税总额约70%。但是,由于主客观诸多因素的影响,在由计划经济向市场经济转轨的过程中,沈阳在全国经济发展中的位次不断后移。出现了经济结构失衡,经济运行质量不高等一些深层次的矛盾,特别是国有大中型企业机制不活、效益低下的问题日益突出。为了摆脱困境,重新焕发老工业基地的青春,加快沈阳发展与振兴的步伐,市委、市政府从抓科学技术第一生产力入手,坚持实施科教兴市的发展战略,积极推动全市经济社会发展转移到依靠科技进步的轨道上来,取得了一定进展。 The CPC Central Committee and the State Council's decision on accelerating the progress of science and technology and the spirit of the National Science and Technology Conference are a major strategic move that will have a far-reaching impact on accelerating the economic development and social progress of our country. This will be even more special for the revitalization of the old industrial base in Shenyang Meaning. For more than 40 years since the founding of New China, Shenyang has made positive contributions to the modernization of China through equipment supply, talent output and financial surrender. According to statistics, from 1949 to 1994, the total profits and taxes turned over to the state by the city totaled more than 48 billion yuan, six times the amount invested by the state over Shenyang in the same period and accounting for about 70% of the total profits and taxes in Shenyang during the same period. However, due to the influence of many subjective and objective factors, Shenyang is shifting backward from the planned economy to the market economy in the national economic development. Some deep-seated contradictions such as the imbalance of economic structure and the poor quality of economic operation have emerged. In particular, the problems of the invalidity and inefficiency of the state-owned large and medium-sized enterprise mechanism have become increasingly prominent. In order to get out of their predicament, rejuvenate the youth of old industrial bases and speed up the pace of development and rejuvenation in Shenyang, the municipal party committee and municipal government started with grasping the first productive force of science and technology, persisted in implementing the development strategy of rejuvenating the city with science and education and actively promoted the economic and social development of the city to Some progress has been made on the track of scientific and technological progress.
如果说船工呼号是为了加力,商贩叫卖是为了引客,那么企业宣传部长的摇旗呐喊意味着什么呢? 其实,企业宣传部长既是船工,他要为职工的干劲添一把加热的柴火;企业宣传部长又是
美国核资料公司(Nuclear Data Inc)创建于1959年,它专向世界各国提供核与辐射物理、X 射线能量扩散谱仪、穆斯堡尔物理.离子束分析、医学辐射应用、生物与环境资料分析,核电
伊利诺斯州M. E. A公司研制成一种可在绕制或非绕制过程中测量任何线材直径的自动测长数据系统。这种系统可使长度测量达到0.2%的保险值,并可自动提供线材直径、重量和平均
通过现场试验,验证了沸煮法处理平炉及电炉渣的可行性,利用正交试验得出了沸煮法处理上海第三钢铁厂平、电炉渣的最佳工艺条件。 Through the field test, the feasibility