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浦东开发开放走过了十个春秋。十年前的一片农田陋舍,已经神话般变 成一个初步成形的外向型、多功能、现代化都市新区,成为一片吸引了全中国乃至全世 界目光的改革开放、经济发展的热土。今天的浦东不但成为带动沿江地区乃至全国经 济增长的马力强劲的发动机,而且在世界经济舞台上也已被追光照亮。 中国的改革开放历经了一个由特区的点状开放到沿海城市的线状开放、再到(浦 东)龙头带动的沿江开放的过程。经济特区的设立,使中国在计划经济的重重包围之中成功地“杀出一条血路”;在以江泽民同志为核心的党中央第三代领导集体的英明决策下,浦东开发开放的成功,则为建立比较完善的社会主义市场经济体制又“开出一条新路”。如果说,80年代中国的改革开放是“摸着石头过河”,那么,浦东开发开放则更多地体现出系统地、有步骤地、全方位地改革开放的特征。十年的实践证明,浦东走出了一条有中国特色的改革、开放、发展之路。浦东开放开发的思想收获同其经济成果一样是我们巨大的财富。透过浦东的足迹,有理由相信,我们在建设有中国特色社会主义进程中将谱写出更加恢弘壮丽的篇章。 Pudong development and opening up has gone through ten years. Ten years ago, a farmland retreat has become a preliminarily shaped outward-looking, multi-functional and modern metropolitan new area and has become a hot spot for reform, opening up and economic development that have attracted the attention of all in China and the world. Today, Pudong not only has become a powerful horsepower engine for economic growth in the Yangtze River region and the country as a whole, but has also been chased by the world economy. China’s reform and opening up has undergone a process of opening up along the river led by the opening up of the SAR to the coastal cities in a straight line and then to the (Pudong) leading. The establishment of the special economic zone has succeeded in “blazing a trail out of China” in the heavy siege of planned economy. Under the wise policy of the third-generation leading collective of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core, the success of Pudong’s opening up and opening up will, In order to establish a relatively perfect system of socialist market economy, it has also “taken a new road.” If we say that China’s reform and opening up in the 1980s “touched the stones and crossed the river,” then Pudong’s development and opening up more embodies the characteristics of a systematic, step-by-step and all-round reform and opening up. Decades of practice have proved that Pudong has embarked on a road of reform, opening up and development with Chinese characteristics. The harvest of ideas for opening up and development in Pudong is, like its economic success, a tremendous asset to us. Through the Pudong footsteps, I have reason to believe that we will write a more grand and magnificent chapter in the process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.
在新世纪的钟声即将敲响,中国即将加入 WTO,中国经济正步入一个崭新的发展阶段之际,由本刊策划、举办的“新世纪县域经济发展战略论坛”于 8月 29~ 31日在河北省会石家庄成功举行
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