焦坪矿区油气赋存情况调查分析 《煤、油共生安全问题研究课题》材料之一

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焦坪矿区是我省煤炭主要基地之一,煤和石油共生情况在该区不同程度地普遍存在。由于煤、油共生条件,给煤炭生产和安全带来了较大威胁,以及关系到国家资源合理开发等一系列问题。为此,由省煤炭工业局科研室、崔家沟煤矿、西安煤矿设计研究院、煤炭科学研究院抚顺研究所、西安矿业学院等单位共同进行了煤、油共生条件下煤炭安全开采的科学研究试验工作。通过多年的科研工作和工业性试验取得了显著成效,基本上解决了煤、油共生条件下采煤安全的主要问题。本刊从这一期起,陆续发表该课题有关焦坪矿区油气赋存情况的分析、煤、油共生矿井瓦斯检定器的应用及安全指标的确定、石油对煤氧化自燃性能的影响、影响油气浓度变化因素的初步分析、煤、油共生条件采煤安全技术措施等专题文章,以促进煤油共生条件下煤炭安全开采科学试验工作进一步发展。 Jiao Ping mining area is one of the main coal bases in our province. The symbiosis between coal and oil is widespread in varying degrees in this area. Due to the symbiotic conditions of coal and oil, it poses a great threat to coal production and safety and a series of problems related to the rational development of national resources. To this end, the coal industry, coal research institutes, Cuijiagou coal mine, Xi’an coal mine design and Research Institute, Coal Research Institute of Fushun, Xi’an Institute of Mining and other units co-carried out under coal, oil, coal mining safety science research Test work. Through many years of scientific research and industrial tests have achieved remarkable results, basically solved the coal, oil coexistence of coal mining safety under the conditions of the main problems. This issue from the beginning of this issue, one after another published on the subject of the issue of oil and gas deposits in Jiaoping mine analysis, coal, oil symbiotic mine gas detector application and safety indicators to determine the impact of petroleum on spontaneous combustion of coal oxidation, affecting oil and gas Such as coal, oil symbiotic conditions coal mining safety technical measures and other articles, in order to promote the coal kerosene coexistence under the conditions of coal mining safety science further development.
一、目前采用的液压支架高度的选择方法 1.根据采高和顶板下沉量正确选择液压支架结构高度,是支架正常工作的一个关键。高度不够,将留煤皮或增加材料消耗;高度过大,则相对地
<正> 一 连续提升和间断提升 提升技术分为连续提升和间断提升。这两种提升方式相比较,连续提升技术较为优越。因为提升等量矿物,间断提升则要求更大的驱动功率。间断提升的
范各庄矿选煤厂选用的两台太斯卡立轮重介质分选机是从西德卡哈特公司引进,是目前西德生产的最大型分选机。其结构、规格见图1和表1: The two Taisika Wheel Medium Dense
某铁矿为一典型含铀铁矿岩矿床,矿石中铀和铁均达到工业品位(U0.10%,Fe>50%),铀铁共生关系密切。 在通常的高炉炼铁条件下,铀与铁能达到良好分离,铀几乎完全转入炉渣。但从炉渣