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演讲的开头对于演讲效果有至关重要的作用。笔者在实践教学中,总结出演讲的开头可以采用七种方法:实物展示法、故事引入法、名言引入法、提问引入法、排比引入法、歌曲引入法、开门见山法。这些方法可以单一使用,也可以混合使用。 The beginning of a speech is crucial to the effectiveness of the speech. In practice teaching, the author concludes that there are seven kinds of methods that can be used at the beginning of a speech: the physical display method, the story introduction method, the quotation introduction method, the question introduction method, the comparison introduction method, the song introduction method, and the straight to the point method. These methods can be used singly or in combination.
◆欧佩克决定减少原油日产量150万桶。1月17日,石油输出国组织成员国在部长级特别会议上决定,从2月1日起将原油日产量减少150万桶。 ◆烟草行业去年税利破千亿元。1月17日从
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从教学现状、理论依据及可行性、课程设置优点等方面对高职高专院校设置个性化大学英语课程进行分析,提出课程设置的具体建议。 From the teaching status quo, the theoret