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年初,中央农村经济工作会议提出,要高度重视农业,把加强农业放在经济工作首位,要切实加强对农业的投入。作为支农主要部门的农行、信用社如何加强对农业信贷的投入?对此,最近我们在豫西南某县对近年来农业信贷资金情况进行了调查,发现近年来,农业信贷资金在流通过程中出现了“分流”现象,究其原因是什么因素削弱了当前农业信贷的投入。 一、农业信贷资金倒流进城,削弱了支农资金力量。据调查统计表明,某县1995年底,该县农民在各家金融机构、非金融机构和农村合作基金会、互助储金会、共发放各种贷款11亿元。其中,工商业贷款就达4.9亿元,占44. 5%,而农业贷款仅有4.1亿元,占39.2%,政府部门的“加压”涉农部门要求扩涨贷规模的呼声很高,可主要负责承担农业信贷这一重要任务的农行、信用社,面对这种争资金现象又将怎样,就不言而喻。 At the beginning of this year, the Central Rural Economic Work Conference proposed that we should attach great importance to agriculture and place agriculture as the priority in economic work. We must earnestly increase investment in agriculture. Agricultural Bank of China as a major branch of agriculture, credit cooperatives how to strengthen investment in agricultural credit? In this regard, recently we are in a county in southwestern Henan agricultural credit funds in recent years conducted a survey found that in recent years, agricultural credit funds in the circulation process A “shunt” phenomenon has emerged. The reason for this is the factors that have weakened the current investment in agricultural credit. First, the back-flow of agricultural credit funds into the city, weakening the financial support for agriculture. According to the survey statistics, in the county by the end of 1995, the county’s peasants distributed a total of 1.1 billion yuan of various loans in various financial institutions, non-financial institutions, rural cooperative funds and mutual-aid savings funds. Among them, the industrial and commercial loans amounted to 490 million yuan, accounting for 44.5%, while agricultural loans were only 410 million yuan, accounting for 39.2%. The “pressure” of the government departments involved in agricultural sector requirements to expand credit scale is high, but It is self-evident that the Agricultural Bank of China and the credit cooperatives, which are mainly responsible for undertaking the important task of agricultural credit, will face the problem of such competitive capital.
夏天是儿童腹泻的高发季节,不少家长爱用氟哌酸给孩子消炎。动物实验表明,氟哌酸可影响幼龄动物的软骨生长,使骨骺线提前骨化。儿童在12~15岁,骨 Summer is the high inciden
营养专家提醒年轻的父母们,以下六种食物儿童需少吃,否则不利孩子健康发育。一、快餐食品随着国门的开放,生活水平的提 Nutrition experts advise young parents, the follo
近日,河南等地多人被蜱虫叮咬后死亡的新闻业人大惊失色。事实上,微不足道的虫子,讨人喜欢的宠物都有可能成为致命病毒的宿主。科学家表示,人畜共患病最初都来源于动物,而后才传染给人类。据统计,新出现的传染病中有多达75%属于人畜共患病。在全球化的背景下,如果不加以防范,就有可能导致一场全球性健康危机。    1.黑猩狸    可传播疾病:艾滋病(AIDS)自20世纪80年代艾滋病病毒(HIV)被确认后,