Music education in the UK: Theory and Practice

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  【Abstract】Music curriculum plays a significant role in pupils’ school education. The connection between National Curriculum and practical classes becomes the most important ability for teachers. This essay will contextualizing my group’s scheme of work at Cleves Junior School relative to influential theory and research surrounding mainstream music education.
  【Key words】Music curriculum; UK; Junior school
  Generic requirements of the National Curriculum
  Music like all other subjects provides opportunities to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (DfEE, 1999). In the music lessons, the ability of pupils’ communication is improved through exchanging views and collaborating with others. In Cleves School, pupils have opportunity to appraise. At the end of the activity in the subgroup, pupils are asked to perform their achievements to each other, and they exchange views and give suggestions to others.
  In the music lessons, music game is an important way to improve pupils’ social development. For instance, a warm-up activity in my work at Cleves Junior School. All pupils are situated in a circle, they clap hand with their neighbour by following teacher’s rhythm, and walk to the right with short steps. Then, when pupils hear the word of ’change’ from teacher, they should change the direction of hand and walk in the opposite direction. One of the most important factors of achievement of this activity is the collaboration between neighbours. Pupils can realise the importance of collaboration in the community, and their own responsibility in activity.
  Group work also plays a significant role in pupils’ social development. For instance, we organize group work in every lesson in Cleves Junior School. The whole class are divided into four groups: two Celts groups and two Roman groups. According to the story of Romans and Celts, these groups need to improvise movements, rhythms and lyrics that related to the topic. In the process of improving, pupils share their music making and seek opinions of each other, and also decide what instrument to play. Consequently, the relationship between pupils became closer and friendship became better.
  Another important part of music lessons is that connected with school and society is performing. In the performance, pupils need to cooperate with each other, they not only learn how to interact with audience but also learn how to become a good audience. In Cleves Junior School, every group have equal time to perform, and have opportunity to share their performance to others. In the process of performing, they help each other to overcome difficulties. It not only promotes pupils’ ability of communication, but only improves their confidence and self-esteem.   The music National Curriculum for key stage 2
  The programmes of study for key stage 2 states that ’teaching should ensure that listening, and applying knowledge and understanding, are developed through the interrelated skills of performing, composing and appraising’ (DfEE, 1999, p. 18). We need to understand the term ’knowledge’ in music. Swanwick and Taylor (1982:7) explain four forms of knowledge, ’know how, knowing that, knowing by acquaintance and knowing what’s what’. In Cleves Junior School, we teach pupils how to work as a group, how to communicate musically. Knowing that means pupils know what it is, we teach pupils what ostinato is, what pulse is in school. Knowing by acquaintance means the aesthetic of feeling, in other words knowing him, her or it (Swanwick
【摘要】独立院校英语教师是职业倦怠感的高发人群。职业倦怠感一旦产生,将会给教师的工作和生活带来很多负面影响,本文通过分析职业倦怠感对于独立院校英语教师影响,提出相应策略,旨在预防和抑制教师职业倦怠感的形成,促进英语教育质量的提高和英语教师队伍的良性和谐发展。  【关键词】独立院校 英语教师 职业倦怠感  高校教师职业倦怠状况成为近年来学术界研究的一个热门课题。社会高期望值与英语教师个人努力方向之间
记:得知您将作为代表参加全国学校思想政治理论课(以下简称“思政课”)教师座谈会,与习近平总书记见面的消息时,您正在做什么呢?  蒋:那是3月13日。那天我在上课,下课回到办公室发现了校长打来的好几个未接电话。我当时还很紧张,以为有什么急事,就赶紧回过去。校长说:“你抓紧时间给省教育厅打个电话,有个会议通知。”我打过去才知道,我被推选去北京参加思政课教师座谈会。因为是全国性的会议,我立即向校长和东阳
一、教材分析  本课围绕介绍家庭成员开展听说读写教学活动,中心话题是“The family”,语法重点是能用who引导的特殊疑问句询问第三方是谁。介绍家庭成员。教学内容为语法的学习和使用提供了必要的感性材料,同时也体现了语法项目与交际情景自然结合的特点。学生的学习活动是在真实的生活场景中展开的。  二、学情分析  本节课所面对的是初一年级的学生,他们活泼好动,充满好奇心和求知欲。本单元所谈论的是关
【摘要】本文以宁夏理工学院的1624名非英语专业学生为研究对象,通过调查问卷的形式,对他们的英语学习动机进行了定向研究,有助于西部地区民办高校大学生培养正确的学习态度和学习方法,从而不断提高西部地区民办高校的大学英语教学质量。  【关键词】西部民办高校 大学生英语学习 动机与策略  一、西部民办高校大学生英语学习现状的分析  我国的民办教育处于发展期,民办高校的大学生大多数是三本院校,而招入的学生
【Abstract】Nowadays,English learning has become more and more important for Chinese student.English is primarily used to communicate with others.From this point,students’ speaking ability should be pai
英语的学习讲究“听、说、读、写”,所以在学习英语的过程中,无论这四项中的哪一项我们都应该掌握。随着教育部门将听力列入到高中英语的高考题当中,听力的学习和训练在英语教学中受到很大的重视,教师们都将提高学生的英语听力素质作为英语教学的目标之一。  一、分析学生听力问题,有针对性完善英语教学  高中英语听力总会给学生留出试听的时间,为的就是让学生能够迅速进入听力的状态,但有的学生在听英语听力时却很难进入
【摘要】随着经济全球化的发展,英语已经成为一种国际语言,掌握英语已经成为一种趋势。可是目前很多学生在英语学习方面都出现了“哑巴英语”的现象,并没有真正实现“教学做合一”,学生并不能灵活熟练地运用英语。为了让学生能够自主学习英语,并能够流利地说出一口地道的英语,教师在高中英语教学中要注重采用“教学做合一”的教学思想,促进学生掌握学习策略,提高学习能力。  【关键词】高中英语 教学做合一 高效课堂  
【摘要】关注每一位学生全面成长和学习的进步,是新课改下对英语教学提出的较高要求。每一个班级的学生学习成绩和和综合素质参差不齐,具有明显的层次性、差距甚大。只有因材施教,实施层次教学才能提高英语教学质量,才能实现由“良莠不齐”到“百亩良田”的真正转变。本文以牛津英语7A Unit3 Reading为例,谈谈自己的做法和体会。  【关键词】初中英语 课堂教学 分层教学  “良莠不齐”,原指一块田地里的
【摘要】文学与语言之间有着强烈的关联,长期以来,我国大学公共英语教学常重视和讲授语言技能,忽略文学在语言教学中的重要作用。为了培养跨文化的复合型人才,大学公共英语文学教学改革势在必行。本文讨论了英语文学教学的必要性以及如何在大学公共英语教学中进行文学渗透。  【关键词】大学公共英语教学 融入英语文学  一、序言  在我国,英语的教学和学习实用主义倾向和功利倾向贯穿始终。初中和高中,英语课上充斥了语
【微视频制作背景】  教学微视频属于教师信息化资源设计,以流媒体形式展示,紧紧围绕某个知识点或教学环节开展的简短、完整的教学片段活动。微视频可以运用于学习者自主学习,强化重点,化解难点,巩固并拓展学习者的知识和能力。  小学三年级学生刚刚接触英语学习,怀有浓厚的兴趣。他们对课前布置的预习小诗,虽然有兴趣预习,却不知道具体怎么预习,应该预习到什么程度。为了帮助学生真正落实预习任务,完成课前的自主学习