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纪录片《啊,我的亲人》是部思想性、艺术性都比较高的片子,看了使人感动,深受教育。影片通过十二岁的孤儿张丽华的亲身经历,感人肺腑地反映了石家庄育红学校满腔热情地培养和教育四百多个在唐山地震中失去了双亲的孤儿,以及这些孤儿幸福地生活和茁壮成长的动人情景,深刻地揭示了这样一个主题:社会主义无比优越,只有社会主义能够救中国!一九七六年七月二十八日的地震灾害,给唐山人民的生命财产带来了巨大的损失,一夜之间,山崩地裂,房倒屋塌,致使近千名孩子成了无家可归、无亲可投的孤儿。影片真实生动地把这些历史画面展现在观众眼前,提出了这样一个问题:在如此惨重的灾害面前,这些孤儿的命运如何?影片没有直接叙述如何抢救这些孩子,也没有交待唐山人民如何重建家园,而是较成功地运用了纪录片这种轻武器,着重拍摄了这些孩子在党的阳光雨露哺育下茁壮成长的幸福场景。你看:幼儿园里,那三个原先连姓名也没有的小女 Documentary “ah, my dear” is a ministry ideological and artistic are relatively high film, read touched, educated. Through the personal experience of the orphan Zhang Lihua, a 12-year-old orphan, the film reflects the enthusiasm of Shijiazhuang Yudhoo School to train and educate more than 400 orphans who lost their parents during the Tangshan earthquake and live happily. The moving scenes reveal profoundly the theme that socialism is superior and that only socialism can save China! The earthquake disaster on July 28, 1976 brought tremendous losses to the lives and property of Tangshan people Overnight, the landslide cracked and the houses collapsed, leaving nearly a thousand children to become homeless and unaccompanied orphans. The film vividly presents these historical pictures to the audience and raises the question: what are the fate of these orphans in the face of such a devastating disaster? The film does not directly describe how to rescue these children, nor does it explain how the people of Tangshan rebuilt their homeland. But rather succeeded in using the documentary such light weapons, focusing on shooting these children under the party’s sunshine and rain to grow under the thriving scene of happiness. You see: kindergarten, the three original name of the little girl
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摘 要:现代外语教学思想认为口语是第一性的,文字是第二性的,交际性是语言的本质属性,学外语的目的是为了交际,而不是仅仅学会一些语言知识。听说是人类言语交际方式之一,因此,教师在有意识地教授英语知识的同时,应强化学生英语听说能力的培养。那么,在初中英语教学中如何培养学生的听说能力呢?笔者认为可以从注重方法,培养学生听的能力;加强训练,培养学生说的能力两方面探讨。  关键词:英语教学;听说能力;提高方
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