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年轻时读李白的“黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回”,觉得飘逸而豪迈。及至知道黄河是一条高挂在中华民族头顶之上的悬河时,才吓了一大跳。后来听说永定河的河床高于天安门、松花江高于哈尔滨时,这才明了为什么刚刚抗旱归来,一有春雨秋水便百万军民战大堤了。 然而这些本该“水往低处走”的江河为什么会扶摇直上成为悬河呢?有人认为是江河中的泥沙含量大。这些泥沙在历史的翻卷中层层叠叠地沉淀下来,于是便形成了悬河。我以为不是。因为有些河流中的水原本是很清的,比如松花江。 这些江河之水所以高悬在了我们头上,是因为缺少一种养育他们的行业——航运。自古以来,在九曲十八弯的黄河上行船,一直是凤毛麟角;永定河上的船运也 When young Li Bai read “the water of the Yellow River sky, rushing to the sea is not back”, feel elegant and heroic. When it comes to knowing that the Yellow River is a hanging river above the head of the Chinese nation, it was shocked. When I heard that the riverbed of Yongding River was higher than that of Tiananmen Square and the Songhua River was higher than that of Harbin, I realized why it was just a drought-resistant return. However, why should these “rivers running downwards” become so precipitous as rivers? Some people think that there is a large amount of sediment in the rivers. These sediments in the history of the roll up in the layers stacked down, so they formed a hanging river. I do not think so. Because some of the river water is originally very clean, such as the Songhua River. The water of these rivers hung above us because of the lack of a profession to raise them - shipping. Since ancient times, it has been rare for a boat to sail on the 18th bend of the Yellow River. Shipping on the Yongding River has also been extremely rare
颅内出血(ICH)占卒中的10%~15%,30 d的病死率为35%~52%,且半数的死亡患者发生在发病的前2天[1-2].一项涉及1041例ICH患者的研究表明,50%为深部出血,35%为脑叶出血,10%为小脑出血,6%的出
斑秃(alopecia areata,AA)是一种突然发生的良性、复发性、非瘢痕性的脱发,多无自觉症状,可发生于全身任何被毛部位.累及整个头皮者为全秃(alopecia totalis,AT),头皮及身体
直肠癌是胃肠道疾病中常见的恶性肿瘤[1],肿瘤的病理分期(pTNM),与其手术的成功率及预后、生存率等密切相关.新辅助化疗(neoadjuvant or primary chemotherapy)是指在恶性肿