
来源 :当代工人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wocaodouji
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这是完全不同的两个普通家庭,但有一点是一样的,那就是都选择离开了家乡。在新的城市,两家人赚了更多的钱,但付出的代价,却让他们无法点亮高收入的光环。月入3万一分不剩张昭是标准的沈阳人,沈阳城镇户口,学历为大专,但他认为,自己就是一个农民工。这是因为张昭一直都在北京工作,虽然月收入3万多元,在北京也算中等偏上,但弱势群体的感觉如影随形。 This is a completely different two ordinary families, but one thing is the same, that is, all choose to leave their hometown. In the new city, the two families made more money but at a price that prevented them from lighting the high-income aura. The monthly income of 30,000 without Zhang Zhao is the standard Shenyang, Shenyang urban hukou, education for the college, but he believes that he is a migrant workers. This is because Zhang Zhao has always been working in Beijing, although the monthly income of more than 30,000 yuan in Beijing can be considered upper-middle, but the feelings of the disadvantaged groups go hand in hand.