描述产自辽宁西部北票上园地区和凌源大王杖子义县组长节锯蜂科 (Xyelidae)巨长节锯蜂亚科(Macroxyelinae)昆虫化石 12种 ,归于 4族 8属 ,其中 6新属 12新种 ,包括Angaridyelarobustasp .nov .,An garidyelaexculptasp .nov .,Angaridyelasuspectasp .nov .,Angaridyelaendemicasp .nov .,Lethoxyelaexcurvagen .etsp .nov .,Lethoxyelavulgatagen .etsp .nov .,Ceratoxyeladecorosagen .etsp .nov .,Liaoxyelaantiquagen .etsp .nov .,Heteroxyelaignotagen .etsp .nov .,Sinoxyelaviriosagen .etsp .nov .,Isoxyelarudisgen .etsp .nov .和Xyeliteslingyuanensissp .nov .,并讨论其古气候特征
Description 12 species of Macroxyelinae insect fossils from the Beidai Shangyuan area in the west of Liaoning Province and the head of the Zhangyuan County Government of Lingyuan Dazhang County of Xiyelidae, belonging to 4 genera and 8 genera, of which 6 are new There are 12 new species, including Angaridyelarobustasp .nov., An garidyelaexculptasp .nov., Angaridyelasuspectasp. Nov., Angaridyelaendemicasp. Nov., Lethoxyelaexcurvagen.etsp .nov., Lethoxyelavulgatagen.etsp .nov., Ceratoxyeladecorosagen.etsp .nov., Liaoxyelaantiquagen. etsp. nov., Heteroxyelaignotagen. e.p.nov., Sinoxyelaviriosagen. e.p.nov., Isoxyelarudisgen. e.p.nov. and Xyeliteslingyuanensissp. nov., and discusses its paleoclimate characteristics