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山药自古以来就是我国著名的药用蔬菜,早在夏、商朝的许多古书中就有记载。古人对山药的药用功能十分赞赏,如东晋干宝撰的《搜神记》说:“食此令人不畏风波,辟寒暑。”《本草经》说:“主伤中,补虚羸,除寒热邪气。”并且特别指出:山药能“益气力,长肌肉,久服耳目聪明,轻身不肌,延年。”中药材里有一味历来受医家重视的中药——怀山药,就是河南省怀安府(今沁阳县)出产的山药。山药属薯蓣科,是多年生蔓性草本植物。地下有块茎,地上有缠绕茎。叶对生,心脏形,也有三尖角或箭形,从叶腋抽生侧枝,有的品种还抽生珠芽(俗称“山药豆”)。夏季开淡黄色或乳白色小花,呈穗状,很少结实;蒴果有3个翅。 山药还是食疗珍品。据《宋史》记载:王文忠公病重时“帝手和药并薯蓣粥赐之。”中医药学上用山药作益精气、健脾胃、补肺肾药,其性平,味甘,主治脾胃虚弱、泄泻、消渴、遗精、带下等症。现代医学公认:山药 Yam has been a famous medicinal vegetable in China since ancient times. It has been recorded in many ancient books in the Xia and Shang dynasties. The ancients praised the medicinal function of yam. For example, the book “Sou Shen Ji” written by Qian Baozhu from the Eastern Jin Dynasty stated: “The food is not afraid of the storm and provides cold and hot weather.” “Ben Cao Jing Jing” said: “In the main injury, tonic deficiency In addition to cold and heat evil.“ And pointed out in particular: yam can ”benefit, long muscles, long service, eyes and ears smart, light and not muscle, prolonged life.“ Chinese herbal medicine has always been attached great importance to the medical practitioners - Chinese yam, is The yam produced in Huai’an Prefecture, Henan Province (now Shuyang County). Yam is a genus of Dioscorea, a perennial herb. There are tubers on the ground and winding stems on the ground. Leaves opposite, heart-shaped, there are also three sharp or arrow-shaped, drawn from the leafhopper lateral branches, some species also pumped buds (commonly known as ”yam bean“). In summer, light yellow or milky white flowers bloom in a spikelike shape, rarely sturdy; capsules have three wings. Yam is also a treasure of diet. According to ”The History of the Song Dynasty,“ records: Wang Wenzhong’s illness was severe when he was given ”the Emperor’s hand and medicine and yam porridge." Chinese medicine uses yam as its essence, spleen and stomach, and lung and kidney medicine. Its nature is flat, sweet, and indicative. Spleen and stomach weakness, diarrhea, diabetes, nocturnal emission, vaginal discharge embolism. Modern medicine recognized: yam
《数量经济技术经济研究》第六届编委会于2003年1月15日下午在北京召开,来自全国各地的近30名编委及编辑部的部分同志出席了会议。 会议由中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济
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用薄层色谱-紫外分光光度法测定了抗毒退热冲剂中绿原酸的含量。以乙酸乙酯-甲醇-水(10∶2∶3)为展开剂,测定波长327nm。在测定范围内吸收度与被测物浓度线性相关,r=0.9997,回收率99.03%(n=5),RSD2.77%。 TLC-UV spectroph