
来源 :中国农村信用合作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jp19861213
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《中国农村信用合作》是基层信用社干部职工增长知识、开阔视野的理想刊物,深受广大干部、职工的喜爱。最近,笔者发现,不少基层信用社收藏的刊物总是缺期少刊。其主要原因,一是上级主管部门对刊物的发送不够重视,每逢刊物一到,或找外单位的人代送,或社干自已去领;二是基层信用社领回刊物,随手一放了之,任人翻阅,造成刊物的大量丢失。鉴于此,笔者建议应建立刊物收发登记制度,上级主管部门应指定专人负责这项工作,基层社领取刊物需签字,基层社也应指定专人保管,社内职工阅读刊物需出具借条,还刊物时抽走借条,以确保刊物的完整。 “Rural credit cooperation in China” is the ideal publication for cadres and workers of grass-roots credit cooperatives to increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons, and are deeply loved by cadres and workers. Recently, I found that many publications of grass-roots credit cooperatives are always short of periodicals. The main reason is that the higher competent departments do not pay enough attention to the dispatching of publications, and whenever the publications arrive or find the outsiders, the social workers themselves go to the collar; second, the grassroots credit unions bring back the publications and readily release them It, everyone read, resulting in a large number of lost publications. In view of this, the author suggests that a system of receiving and dispatching of publications should be established. Higher-level authorities should designate a special person to take charge of this work. Grassroots organizations should sign for the publications and grass-roots units should also designate special persons for custody. Workers in the society should issue IOUs when reading the publications. Lend a note to ensure the publication is complete.
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教育是充满感情、充满爱的事业,没有情感的教育是苍白无力的教育,是缺乏生命力的教育。班主任作为班级的领导核心,就需要以正确的思想熏陶学生,以真实的情感感染 Education