
来源 :市场经济与价格 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwer32173
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十八大再次传达了中央抑制房价的决心。近年来,房价居高不下的问题,已经成为政府、舆论以及广大消费者极为关注的社会问题。中国房价在房改后全面放开,并从“非典”时期的谷底开始“常态”地年年攀高,期间政府出台了费率、限购等抑价措施,房价总是象征性地小幅下调一轮,又酝酿着下一轮上涨。可以预见,在我国城镇化进程中,住房供应量完全跑不过刚性需求增长量,那些已长大的房地产巨鳄可以无压力地提价。 The 18th National Assembly once again conveyed the determination of the central government to curb housing prices. In recent years, the problem of high housing prices has become a social issue that has drawn great attention from the government, public opinion and consumers. China’s housing prices in the housing reform after the full liberalization, and from the bottom of the “SARS” period “normalcy ” to climb year by year, during the government introduced tariffs, purchase and other underpricing measures, the price is always a small symbolic Down a round, but also brewing the next round of rise. It is foreseeable that in the process of urbanization in our country, the housing supply will be fully run but the rigid demand growth, those who have grown big real estate giant can raise prices without pressure.
试验结果表明,在陕西渭北旱原土壤中施入氮、磷、钾肥料,对小麦的产量皆有极显著效应,锌肥也有显著效应,钙肥和硼肥的效应不显著。 The results showed that application of nit