Research on plastic fender development and key technologies

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shang66
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Automotive lightweight and safety performance come into play as key technologies to promote competiveness, and average applied amount of automotive plastics has become a significant sign for automotive industrial development level of a country.Various performances of a vehicle with plastic automotive fenders are analyzed in the paper.The research is emphasized on sinking-resistance and pedestrian protection performance of the plastic fenders by studying plastics characteristics and simulation analysis.It offers references for engineering design in which both automotive lightweight and safety performance are achieved and well balanced. Automotive lightweight and safety performance come into play as key technologies to promote competiveness, and average applied amount of automotive plastics has become a significant sign for automotive industrial development level of a country .Various performances of a vehicle with plastic automotive fenders are analyzed in the paper The research is emphasized on sinking-resistance and pedestrian protection performance of the plastic fenders by studying plastics characteristics and simulation analysis. It offers references for engineering design in which both automotive lightweight and safety performance are achieved and well balanced.
This paper gives analysis of application status and prospect of plastic materials from the aspects of applied ma- terial amount comparison, development of new m
Ls-DYNA software is adopted to conduct research of numerical simulation on hot stamping of side impact beam to calculate the temperature field distribution,stre
[摘要]重点是研究基于DLNA的DMA的实现。首先介绍DLNA协议,并提出基于DLNA的DMA架构,然后重点分析其中UPNP线程模块和GUI线程模块的实现机制,以及它们之间的通信机制,并给出一个具体的DMA实现的实例。  [关键词]数字媒体适配器 通用即插即用协议 图形用户界面  中图分类号:TP3文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7597(2008)1220022-01    一、引言    
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