【摘 要】
We study systematically the period-doubled Bloch states for a weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensate in a one-dimensional optical lattice.This kind of stat
【机 构】
School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871“,”Internat
We study systematically the period-doubled Bloch states for a weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensate in a one-dimensional optical lattice.This kind of state is of form ψk =eikx φk (x),where φk (x) is of a period twice the optical lattice constant.Our numerical results show how these nonlinear period-doubled states grow out of linear period-doubled states at a quarter away from the Brillouin zone center as the repulsive interatomic interaction increases.This is corroborated by our analytical results.We find that all nonlinear period-doubled Bloch states have both Landau instability and dynamical instability.
我国寒冷地区的房屋,两砖厚的砖墙比较多,在砖砌体施工中,49cm厚砖墙的门窗洞口处普遍存在着组砌方面的技巧问题.在工程实践中,我们根据实际操作方面的问题及规范要求,对49 c
2013年10月15~18日,柳工携旗下包括装载机、挖掘机、压路机、平地机、滑移装载机、推土机、矿用设备在内的共17款产品盛装亮相BICES 2013。扛鼎之作重磅亮相挖掘机:大成之作E
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