来源 :Science in China,Ser.B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cs_
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Treatment of early passage human fetal gastric fibrohlasts with ultraviolet (UV) light and the chemical carcinogen ethyl nitrosourea (ENU) in succession resulted in an immortally growing cell line, named GTS 8502. The cells of this line display typical transformation characteristics, such as irregularly shaped nuclei, heteroploidization of karyotype and frequent appearance of heteromorphic chromosomes, the enhanced volume ratio of nucleus to cytoplasm, multinucleoli, appearance of microvilli on the surface of the cells and agglutination reaction to lectin concanavalin A. The transformants have high growing and mitotic indices and the ability of focus-formation on monolayers and anchorage independent growth in soft agar medium. Moreover, these cells induced turnouts in nude mice or in immunosuppressed new-born rats through heterotransplantation. The results of various methods including electromicroscopy and histochemical analyses indicate that GTS 8502 cells are of fibroblast origin.Our results thus indi Treatment of early passage human fetal gastric fibrohlasts with ultraviolet (UV) light and the chemical carcinogen ethyl nitrosourea (ENU) in succession resulted in an immortally growing cell line, named GTS 8502. The cells of this line display typical transformation characteristics, such as irregularly shaped nuclei, heteroploidization of karyotype and frequent appearance of heteromorphic chromosomes, the enhanced volume ratio of nucleus to cytoplasm, multinucleoli, appearance of microvilli on the surface of the cells and agglutination reaction to lectin concanavalin A. The transformants have high growing and mitotic indices and the ability of focus-formation on monolayers and anchorage independent growth in soft agar medium. Moreover, these cells induced turnouts in nude mice or in immunosuppressed new-born rats through heterotransplantation. The results of various methods include electromicroscopy and histochemical analyzes that that GTS 8502 cells are of fibroblast origin.Our results thus indi
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