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宋朝救荒仓廪并不仅限于常平、义仓、广惠仓、社仓等专设救荒仓廪,而是范围更广,可以说基本涵盖了宋代所有储蓄粮食的仓廪。大致可分为五大类:一、在京诸仓;二、诸州县仓;三、转般仓(大军仓);四、隶属中央官府的常平、义仓以及由地方临时设置具有常平义仓类似性质的平籴、平粜、州储、均籴、州济等仓;五、民间组织的社仓等。宋代的救荒仓廪制度出现了三个新的变化,即:第一,汉唐以来实施的常平仓制度的“贱籴贵粜”功能不仅主导常平仓系统的运作,而且在宋代特别是南宋时的官民所建仓廪中得到广泛的运用;第二,常平仓、义仓、州县仓出现合流的现象,亦即这三类仓形式上、名义上仍按不同的管理职能有所区分,但实质上已混通,平素都可用作军储,灾荒时节又都可共同承担赈济、赈贷、赈粜的功能;第三,北宋时期的州县仓、南宋时期的桩管米在实施义仓赈济职能方面起着非常重要的作用。 The Song Dynasty to save the shortage warehouse Kui is not limited to Chang Ping, Yi warehouse, wide Hui warehouse, social warehouse and other specialized rescue warehouse Kui, but a wider range, it can be said that basically covers all the Song Dynasty warehouses savings grain. Can be divided into five categories: First, the warehouse in Beijing; Second, Zhuzhou County warehouse; Third, the transfer of warehouse (army warehouse); Fourth, under the central government’s Chang Ping, Yi warehouse and by the local temporary set with Chang Ping Yi warehouse similar nature Flat 籴, flat 粜, State Reserve, are 籴, state economy warehouse; five, social organizations such as social positions. In the Song Dynasty, there were three new changes in the system of rescuing deserters, namely: First, the function of “cheap price and expensive price” of the ordinary level trading system implemented since the Han and Tang dynasties not only dominates the operation of the ordinary level trading system, but also in the Song Dynasty Is widely used in the warehouses built by officials and civilians during the Southern Song Dynasty; secondly, the phenomenon of confluence of Changping positions, Yi positions and Zhou positions appears in the form of these three types of positions, which are still nominally managed by different management functions But they are actually mixed. They are usually used as military stores. In the disaster-stricken times, they can all share the functions of relief, relief and relief. Thirdly, the functions of the prefectures and counties in the Northern Song Dynasty and that in the Southern Song Dynasty It plays a very important role in implementing the relief function of YiCang.
China explores different ways to train officials In September, Zhong Ming, deputy head of the Local Taxation Bureau of Beibei District in southwest China’s Cho
关于小量高渗盐水(HTS)抗休克的研究始于70年代末。我科在门诊急救中应用 HTS 抗休克治疗3例,取得满意效果。现报告如下。1 临床资料本组3例病人均为男性,最大年龄为68岁,最
目的 评价原发性冠脉内支架植入术治疗急性心肌梗塞的临床疗效。方法  17例急性心肌梗塞患者于症状发作后 2~ 14小时施行冠脉内支架术。结果 所有患者冠脉再通均获成功。TI
病例介绍 患儿男9岁。因头晕,排黑便3天,呕吐咖啡样物半天急诊住院。患儿于近3天来无诱因出现头晕、乏力、排黑便,3~5次日,量不等。入院当天上午呕吐咖啡样物,量多,约1000毫