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植根于人口数量最多的中国市场,各手机厂商获得了空前强大的生命力,我们永远不愁没有新手机。新机运动波澜壮阔、此起彼伏、前赴后继,丝毫不亚于国内满山遍野似的全民造星选秀运动。在今年上半年所推出的新手机中,真正值得关注的手机并不多,多数机型注定像参加海选的型男素女一样,被大众所“淹没”。经过我们的初选,8款身怀绝技的热门手机进入了复赛阶段。接下来,为了争夺“明星”手机的封号,它们将经受《数字通信》最严厉、阵容最强大的编辑部评审团之严酷测验。本次对决共分手机外形、通讯能力、音乐能力,拍摄能力及其他等4个回合,每回台由评审团分别选出心目中的最优胜者,最终总结时,究竟是哪款机种胜出便不言而喻!准备一同加入观战的行列了吗? Rooted in the Chinese market with the largest population, all mobile phone manufacturers have gained unprecedented vitality, and we will never miss a new mobile phone. New aircraft movement magnificent, one after another, going one after the other, as much as no less than the domestic all over the country star-making draft campaign. Among the new handsets launched in the first half of this year, there are not many mobile phones worth paying attention to. Most models are destined to be “submerged” by the public as they are destined to participate in the election. After our primaries, 8 of the most popular mobile phones with great skills into the semi-finals stage. Next, in order to compete for the “Star” mobile phone titles, they will be subjected to the “digital communications” the harshest, the most powerful line-up editorial jury of the harsh test. The duel consists of four rounds of handset shape, communication ability, musical ability, shooting ability and other four rounds, each returned to Taiwan by the jury were selected in the eyes of the most successful winner, the final summary, which is what models to win It is self-evident! Ready to join the ranks of the spectacle it?
植物具有固碳释氧,净化空气等生态功能,在绿色建筑中具有举足轻重的作用,《绿色建筑评价标准》GB/T 50378-2006的多个条文对植物绿色提出了要求,对建筑绿化起到了许多积极的推动作