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走累了的夕阳被楼外高楼轻轻托举着,似乎不堪旅程的劳累而稍作喘息。绷紧了一天的神经,支使我的脚步穿行于楼房与楼房之间,一种放下包袱去信步由缰的念头油然而生。二公里外的城郊就这样被一个异乡人进入。城郊远离了车水马龙,远离了纷纷扰扰,连薄薄铺开悄悄收敛的阳光都那么静谧。几株无精打采的龙眼树被野草围在中央,好像战败的将领灭了往日的飞扬跋扈。几座低矮的楼房亦废弃多时,目之所及无不萧条、颓败。那墙身如老人特有的脸庞,表皮上斑点尽显,那 Tired tired sunset was lifted by tall buildings, it seems that the fatigue of the trip and a little breathing. Stretched a day’s nerves, support my footsteps walk between the building and the building, a way to put down the burden to believe in the reins of the idea of ​​spontaneity. Two kilometers outside the suburbs was so a stranger to enter. Far away from the suburb of the suburbs, far from the disturbing, even the quietly spread out the thin quiet sun. A listless listless longan tree surrounded by weeds in the center, like the defeated generals destroyed the past domineering. Several low-rise buildings have also been abandoned for so long as nothing has changed. That wall as the unique face of the elderly, the spots on the epidermal full, that
1 分层施教的背景分析学生作为社会的成员 ,具有人的共性 ,但是每个学生由于遗传因素、家庭生活状况和教育条件、人际关系、社会环境的不同 ,在发展过程中呈现差异 ,甚至很
自本刊去年第 1~ 2合期刊登《如何搞好高三化学总复习》一文以来 ,全国各省市区先后有许多中学化学教师、大学基础课教师、各级教研员、高三学生等纷纷写信或打电话 ,认为该文
科学思维是人类理智的一种主要思维形式 ,其本质是众多规定性的总和。科学思维具有抽象性、确定性、形式性、精密性、简单性、理解性和分析性的特点 ,化学作为一门自然科学 ,
地热作为一种新能源 ,以其干净、无污染和成本低等优点受到人们的重视。美国于 2 0世纪 70年代建成了世界上第一眼人造热泉 ,每小时可回收 1 49~ 1 56℃的热水 2 0t。法国已开
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日本一家公司制造了一种新型风力发电装置。其风车的特点是 :即使在强风或大气紊流的条件下也能正常发电 ;设有机械调速器 ,利用旋转器旋转产生的离心力 ,自动控制叶片的转速
在英语谚语中,有许多是与动物有关的,下面这些句子的空格同学们能填上并翻译过来吗?1、When the cat’s away,thewill play.2、A has nine lives. Many of the English pro
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