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在新形势下,加强执法检查监督,有许多问题值得研究,需要我们在实践中努力探索,逐步深化,不断总结提高。从以往的实践看,要使执法检查取得预期的效果,首要的是必须有针对性地解决好当前影响执法的一些思想认识问题。当前,影响执法的思想认识间题主要有:一是对法律的重要作用认识不足,认为执不执法“无关紧要”;二是有些同志长期用惯了行政手段,不能严格以法行政,依法办事,依然存在着“权大于法”的现象;三是由于目前社会上有法不依的现象还比较普遍,错误地认为“法不责众”;四是受到利益驱动的影响,以小团体利益对待执法,存在很大的随意性。究其原因,是多方面的。从客观上讲,我国是一个有几千年封建历史的国家,法制观念历来极为淡薄,“权大 Under the new situation, there are many problems worthy of study on strengthening the inspection and supervision of law enforcement. We need to make efforts to explore, deepen and continuously sum up and improve in practice. Judging from past practices, the most important thing to achieve the expected results of law enforcement inspections is that we must solve some current problems that affect law enforcement in a targeted manner. At present, there are mainly the following problems in ideological understanding that affect law enforcement: First, they do not have enough understanding of the important role of law, hold that enforcement is not ”irrelevant“; second, some comrades have been accustomed to administrative means in the long run, In accordance with the law, there still exists the phenomenon that ”the power is greater than the law“; thirdly, due to the fact that the current law does not rely on the current social phenomenon is still relatively common, it is wrong to think that ”law does not blame the public“; fourth, There is a great deal of discretion in treating law enforcement in the interests of small groups. The reason is many. Objectively speaking, our country is a country with thousands of years of feudal history. The concept of legal system has always been extremely weak. ”
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