丰姿绰约、衣着时尚、金发飘飘的美女,一袭黑色道袍、绾发为髻、素面自然、正襟危坐的道士,这两种截然不同又妙趣横生的形象,和谐地融合在同一个人身上。有人对此惊叹不已,而34岁的法兰西女郎Karine Martin女士,也就是法国道教协会会长、中国道教全真派弟子景秀道长却觉得这没什么可奇怪的。她用流利的中文说——“这两种形象都是我。”
Graceful and graceful, fashion, blonde fluttering beauty, dressed in black robes, hair made up bun, plain natural, sat priest, these two completely different and fun image, in harmony with the same person. Some people marveled at it, and it is not surprising that Ms. Karine Martin, the 34-year-old French girl, who is the president of the French Taoist Association and the true Taoist official of Chinese Taoism, Jingxiu. She speaks fluent Chinese - “Both are my images.”