Wish 愿望

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  I have a wish. It’s an exceptional wish. But I want you2 to listen.
   I want you to give me what I’m asking you for. Sit down. You’ve come because I called for you. I’m grateful for that.
   I’m having trouble with my faith. I’m scared all the time. I’m scared now. Can you tell? I’ll say this3 briefly. I want you to promise me that they’ll live. The children. My husband.4 I want them to live. Nothing must happen to them.
   You know what I’m talking about. It has to stop.5 I can’t protect them anymore. I can’t stay awake like this. I need to lay my head down, heavily, the way I could if I knew there would be a new day tomorrow.6 The morning has to be7 clear and bright. The light stirring their little bodies from sleep. You must take away the darkness forever.
   It’s not an easy thing to do. But it’s in your power.
   Let me tell you about the children. Let me describe them to you, so you can see them. So you know who they are inside. You wouldn’t want to harm them if you knew them like I do.
   There they are. There we all are, together. At the table in the kitchen. See how they struggle. They’re so small and already they struggle. See the darkness over them. They feel it. But they don’t know what it is. That’s our eldest daughter beside me. Can you see her thin arms in her nightdress8? The way she holds the buttered bread in her hand?
   Her sister’s sitting opposite. She’s drinking milk from her sippy cup9. Her movements are filled with her very own joy. Often, she skips when she walks or runs. Her strong little body is bursting with energy. My husband is sitting next to her. He’s reading the newspaper. Drinking his coffee. Our youngest is just a year old. He’s eating porridge with his fingers. His pajamas are covered in it. Porridge, milk, and jam.
   You must leave us alone. You don’t need us the way we need each other.
   I’ll tell you their names. Malin is the eldest, then comes Anna and then Johannes. They look like each other. Can you see? I pour the cocoa10 into their cups. I want to warm them from inside. It’s raining outside. We’re scared in different ways. Malin pulls at her nightdress, sucks on the sleeve until it’s rumpled and wet. She has night terrors. That’s what it’s called when you wake up screaming in the night. There’s no comforting her. Her body turns stiff with fear. Her eyes stare, but she isn’t really awake. She wants me to lie beside her all through the night. I have to be next to the wall and she by the edge. Next to the wall is dangerous, she says. I tell her it isn’t. Yes, it is, Mummy, she says. It’s dangerous, Mummy. Don’t you know?    She’s only four years old. Everything shows in her face. When she plays, it’s like she isn’t doing what she’s doing. She isn’t drawing when she sits at the table with her crayons and paper. She’s playing at drawing. When her crayon11 draws a line, she’s pretending that she’s someone drawing. She plays at being a little girl drawing a sun, a boat, a snail. She’s always a step removed from the things she does. As if there were no way in for her. As if the world were closed and she were left outside. We all feel like that. We can’t find our way in to the things we do. Only in our feelings for each other do we stand in the middle with our arms around each other.12
   Can you see how straight she sits? The forward curve13 of her shoulders? She’s asking me a question with her eyes and I can’t answer. Do you understand how that feels?
   Anna is sturdier. There’s no better word. She’s in charge of herself. You’d have your work cut out with her.14 But don’t try anything. Her happiness is her own. Everything she’s done, she’s done by herself. She instills joy in everyone she meets. Her laughter goes straight to the best in people. In everyone. That’s the way she is. I wonder if she feels like a stranger here.
   Johannes is so small. His little body rolling about in the bed. Perhaps things are easiest for him. You know my husband, of course. You know all about him. His ambitions and his extraordinary will. The way he can persevere. He resists you in a way you never thought possible. Is he the hardest for you to abandon?15
   Look at each one of us in turn. All five of us around the table. Soon, the girls will slip from their chairs. They never linger at the table. They want to watch a movie. They sprawl on big cushions and watch the same movies again and again. They look at life and the families they see on TV. The way they hike in the woods, shake their mats, scrub their floors, swim in the lakes. It looks like life, but ours isn’t like that.
   I don’t know if it can be changed. But I’m going to try. With all my strength, I’ll try. You’re not coming back here. You’re leaving us now, because I’m telling you to. This is goodbye. Don’t ever forget.16
  你是听得懂我在说什么的。那可要住手了。我无法再保护他们了。我无法像现在这样保持清醒了。我需将头埋下,沉沉地——假如我心里知道明日将有新的一天到来,我就能这样做。那个早晨得是清澈明朗的。阳光将把他们小小的身子从睡梦中搅醒。你必须永远地带走黑暗。   这不是一件容易做的事。但这是你能力所及的。
  我不知道这是否可以改变。但我要试一试。尽我全力,我将一试。你就不要再回这里来了。你现在就离开我们吧,我都在喊你离开了。这可是道别。永远不要忘了。                                                     □
  3 this应该是指“愿望”而非“恐惧”。
  7她在向神灵提要求,是很强硬的愿望诉求,所以用的是has to be,和后面的must也是对应的。
  13 curve指曲线,这里加forward,可能表示她在问问题时,肩膀向前一倾,探着身子。
  14 have your work cut out面临艰巨的任务。这里是说安娜比玛琳身体强壮些,文中提到的“死神”或“命运之神”要带走安娜并不容易。
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