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对“五四”文学的阐释有着较为明显的阶段性特征,初期的文学史研究者胡适、周作人、梁实秋等人以一种本质主义的思维方式分别展示了他们各自理念观照下的“五四”文学,而新中国成立之后很长一段时间的文学史则习惯于一种二元对立的思维方式,将“五四”文学放在资产阶级/无产阶级、进步/反动、理性/非理性、写实/抒情、民族主义/世界主义、启蒙/救亡等对立框架中进行考量,从而造成“五四”文学的阐释悖论。新时期以来,研究界渐渐摆脱之前那种本质主义的、二元对立的研究方式,吸取西方的非本质主义、主体间性哲学思想,尝试以关系思维的研究方法重新解读“五四”文学,从而最大限度地还原了“五四”文学的复杂与悖论性。 The interpretations of “May 4th” literature have obvious stage characteristics. The early literary history researchers Hu Shih, Zhou Zuoren, Liang Shiqiu et al. Demonstrated in an essentialist way of thinking their “May Fourth” literature, and a long time after the founding of new China, the history of literature is accustomed to a dualistic way of thinking, the “May 4th” literature on the bourgeoisie / proletariat, progress / reactionary Rationalism / irrationality, realistic / lyricism, nationalism / cosmopolitanism, enlightenment / salvation and so on, resulting in the paradoxical explanation of the May 4th literature. Since the beginning of the new era, the research community has gradually got rid of the essentialist and dualistic research methods of the past, drawing on the philosophy of non-essentialism and intersubjectivity in the West and trying to reinterpret the May Fourth Movement with the research methods of relational thinking. Literature, thus restoring the complexity and paradox of “May 4th” literature to the maximum extent.