
来源 :铁路标准设计通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangom444
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设規204条是講隧道內坡度折减的問题。經学习后,現将我們对隧道内坡度折减的原因,折减系数制定的根据,並结合隧道内行車速度的要求,对按“表32”系数折减存在的問題等方面,提出如下初步体会,请同志們指正。列车进入隧道后,由于空气阻力的增大及机車动輪与鋼軌間粘着系数的减小,列車运行条件便较明线地区困难,所以,明线地区的限制坡度用于隧道內时应加以折减。隧道中坡度折减具体数值的确定,至今 Regulation 204 is about reducing the slope of the tunnel problem. After learning, we will present the following reasons for the reasons for the reduction of grade in the tunnel and the basis for formulating the reduction factor, combined with the requirements of the traffic speed in the tunnel. Experience, please comrades correct. After the train enters the tunnel, due to the increase of air resistance and the decrease of the adhesion coefficient between the locomotive wheel and the rail, the running conditions of the train will be more difficult than that of the open area. Therefore, the limit slope in the open area should be reduced when used in the tunnel . Tunnel slope reduction to determine the specific values, so far
在鱼类饵料中,添加一定量物质的结果,不但鱼体外形发生变化,而且体内组织也发生一系列生理学和生物化学的变化.人们已开始利用这些有利的变化于水产养殖. In fish bait, th
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本文论述了当前国内外隧道(地下)工程的理论和实践,并就隧道(地下)工程技术的几个主要方面,展望其发展趋势。 This paper discusses the current theory and practice of tu
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