
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xy_lfr
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Aims: To study the prevalence of tuberculosis infection among children in hous ehold contact with adults having pulmonary tuberculosis, and identify the possib le risk factors. Methods: Children under the age of 5 years who were in househol d contact with 200 consecutive adults with pulmonary tuberculosis underwent tube rculin skin testing. Transverse induration of greater than 10 mm was defined as positive tuberculin test suggestive of tubercular infection. Infected children u nderwent chest radiography and analysis of gastric lavage fluid or induced sputu m for detection of acid fast bacilli. Results: Tuberculin test was positive in 9 5 of 281 contacts (33.8%), of which 65 were contacts of sputum positive patient s, while 30 were contacts of sputum negative patients. Nine of these children we re diagnosed as having tuberculosis based on clinical features and/or recovery o f acid fast bacilli; seven were in contact with sputum positive adults. The impo rtant risk factors for transmission of infection were younger age, severe malnut rition, absence of BCG vaccination, contact with an adult who was sputum positiv e, and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. Conclusion: The prevalence of tu berculosis infection and clinical disease among children in household contact wi th adult patients is higher than in the general population, and risk is signific antly increased by contact with sputum positive adults. Aims: To study the prevalence of tuberculosis infection among children in hous ehold contact with adults having pulmonary tuberculosis, and identify the possibile risk factors. Methods: Children under the age of 5 years who were in househol d contact with 200 consecutive adults with pulmonary Tuberculosis underwent tube rculin skin testing. Transverse induration of greater than 10 mm was defined as positive tuberculin test suggestive of tubercular infection. Infected children u nderwent chest radiography and analysis of gastric lavage fluid or induced sputum m for detection of acid fast bacilli. Results: Nine of the children were re-established as having tuberculosis based on clinical features and / or recovery of acid fast bacilli; seven were in contact with sputum positive adults. The impo rtant risk factors for transmiss ion of infection were younger age, severe malnut rition, absence of BCG vaccination, contact with an adult who was sputum positiv e, and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. Conclusion: The prevalence of tu berculosis infection and clinical disease among children in household contact wi th adult patients is higher than in the general population, and risk is significally a contact increased with contact with sputum positive adults.
2008年4月18日,由上海美厦红酒举办的“安东尼世家中国高尔夫公开赛”在上海天马乡村高尔夫俱乐部拉开序幕,比赛吸引了众多红酒爱好者的参与,多以外籍人士为主。 On April 1
闭角型青光眼急性发作可引起许多眼部病变 ,如瞳孔散大、虹膜周边前粘连甚至视神经萎缩等。一般情况下 ,高眼压降至正常后 ,角膜多可转为透明 ,无需特殊治疗。然而 ,笔者曾遇