
来源 :中国宗教 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lingxiaodong
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今年2月9日,国家宗教局向全国各级政府宗教工作部门发出了关于在全国宗教界开展“宗教政策法规学习月”的通知。国家宗教局希望通过“学习月”的开展,增强广大宗教界人士和信教群众的国家意识、公民意识、法律意识,推动在宗教界形成自觉学法、守法、用法的良好氛围,为宗教工作营造良好的法治环境。为配合国家宗教局开展的“宗教政策法规学习月”活动,本刊拟从本期起开设“宗教政策法规知识问答专栏”(简称“专栏”),邀请国家宗教局政法司围绕党和国家的宗教工作基本方针和宗教政策、《宗教事务条例》等方面的内容做出权威解读和阐释。欢迎宗教界人士、基层宗教工作干部就实际工作中遇到的疑难问题致函本刊,由本刊汇集后统一邀请有关部门作答。 On February 9 this year, the State Bureau of Religious Affairs sent a circular to the religious work departments of all levels of government across the country to launch “Learning Months of Religious Policies and Regulations” in the religious circles across the country. The State Bureau of Religious Affairs hopes to strengthen the awareness of the state, civic and legal consciousness of the majority of religious people and religious believers through the promotion of “learning month” and promote the formation of a good atmosphere of self-discipline, law-abiding and usage in the religious community for religious Work to create a good legal environment. In line with the State Religious Affairs Bureau to carry out the “religious policies and regulations to learn month ” activities, this issue to be opened from this issue “Religious Policy and Law Q & A column ” (referred to as “column ”), invited the State Religious Affairs Bureau Secretary of the Party and the state around the basic principles of religious work and religious policies, “Religious Affairs Ordinance” and other aspects of the content to make an authoritative interpretation and interpretation. People from religious circles and religious cadres at the grassroots level are warmly welcome to write a letter to this journal about the difficult problems encountered in their practical work and invite relevant departments to give a unified answer after they are collected by the journal.
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“十一”黄金周的第一天,由北京市旅游委主办的第十八届北京国际旅游节在奥林匹克公园庆典广场隆重开幕。国家旅游局副局长杜江、北京市副市长程红、北京市政府副秘书长徐志军、朝阳区政府、市有关委办局负责人、各国驻华使馆代表等6000余名中外嘉宾在现场见证了开幕式盛况。  本届旅游节为期5天,以“丝路情韵 魅力北京”为主题,围绕“一带一路”的国家战略,向海内外展示了北京旅游资源的多样化和旅游市场的国际化风采。
芦笋原名石刁柏,多年生宿根性草本植物,具有较高的营养价值和药用价值。我国栽培芦笋历史悠久,具有丰富的栽培、管理经验和技术。 1品种选择芦笋一次种植可连续收获10~15年。
编辑同志: 实行了生产责任制,我高兴得心要飞上天去。因为它是与极左思潮针锋相对的新事物。我决心为国争光,为民争气,以空前的大增产给那些左视眼的人一个响亮的回答。 Ed