
来源 :石油企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lbo
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石油石化企业管理岗位上的朋友们,大家好!作为本刊新开设的“实话实说"栏目的主持人,我非常愿意在这样一个特定的环境里与大家一同说说心里话,进行沟通、交流,用心领会你们在管理工作中的心得、体会以及共同关注的问题。企业管理既是一个理论性的问题,更是一个实践性的问题。再好的管理理论、管理理念,如果不与企业实际管理工作融汇贯通,那只能是纸上谈兵、水中望月,而这管理理论与管理实践的结合,则离不开一支高素质的专业管理人员组成的管理队伍。石油石化企业管理队伍的成员分布在企业的专业管理和综合管理各个岗位,肩负着为企业改革与管理工作把诊号脉,当好企业领导参谋助手的重要使命。你们中的许多人为了中国石油、石化工业的发展不辞劳苦,奉献了毕生的年华;你们中有许多人像老黄牛一样默默地耕耘,播洒着春天的种子。可以说,中国石油、石化企业发展里程中的每一步,都浸透着你们的心血和汗水!今天,为了宏扬你们可贵的敬业精神,为了使你们在长期工作实践中创造、总结出来的宝贵管理理念及经验能够传承下去、发扬光大,为了让你们有一个属于自己的可以坦露心迹的园地,本刊从第5期起,专门为你们开辟一隅“实话实说”栏目,愿大家在这里相识、相聚、相知,坦诚地“实话实说”! Friends of the petroleum and petrochemical business management posts, Hello everyone! As the host of the new “What I Really Say” column, I am very willing to speak with you in this specific environment and communicate with you. Communicate with your heart and mind to understand what you have learned in your management, experience, and issues of common concern. Enterprise management is not only a theoretical issue but also a practical one. Even better management theory and management philosophy, if it does not integrate with the actual management of the enterprise, it can only be on paper, the moon in the water, and this combination of management theory and management practice is inseparable from a high-quality professional management Staff management team. The members of the management team of petroleum and petrochemical enterprises are distributed in various positions in the professional management and comprehensive management of enterprises, and shoulder the important mission of providing consulting for enterprise reform and management work. Many of you have worked tirelessly for the development of China’s oil and petrochemical industries and have devoted their lives to life. Many of you have worked quietly like the old cattle and spread the seed of spring. It can be said that every step in the development of China’s oil and petrochemical enterprises is immersed in your efforts and sweat! Today, in order to promote your valuable professional dedication and to ensure that your valuable management ideas and experiences that you have created and summed up in your long-term work practices can be passed on and carried forward, you have a place where you can tell your mind. From the 5th issue onwards, the magazine has opened up a column for “Factual Telling” specifically for you. I hope everyone here will meet, meet, and know each other and be honest and “speak truthfully!”
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